I use vodka for anything dried or dense or when that's the alcohol at hand. Even fresh juicy herbs will usually not go moldy in vodka. When dosage isn't critical, vodka. If you can wilt or dry your herbs and/or it's kitchen table medicine, vodka. If you have plenty of plant matter and are taking large dosages, vodka. The cheap stuff.
If the herb, such as yellow dock
root, has lots of tannins that will precipitate out with high proof, then vodka is the way to go.
I also use vodka if it's a nutritive herb such as
nettles where the water-soluble constituents are a significant part of the medicine.
Or if I'm making a cordial, so the dose is in sipping quantities. For example, nocino has medicinal levels of black walnut hull in it, but it's also got spices. It can be poured over ice cream or taken with you when you go to a place where you're afraid of getting intestinal parasites.
Any recipe that calls for both water and alcohol, substitute cheap vodka for both.
I use 100 proof (50%) for any dry herb where dosage has to be measured carefully.
If you're looking up specifics of dosage on an herbal site, or you want to carefully track comparitive dosages between people, 100 proof is better. Stronger medicine and more likely to be what the recipe was written for. You can get hundred proof vodka. It's expensive.
I make my hundred proof by mixing 9 parts 80 proof and 2 parts 195 proof. It's approximate, but it works.
When I go out-of-state where I can get high-proof I stock up. So then I don't have to buy fancy vodka at three times the price of Trader Joes and don't use up my high-proof too fast.
For fresh herbs when I don't have much (my skullcap patch is tiny) or I want for some other reason to get absolutely everything I can out of it, I use high-proof. If you want to dispense the smallest possible doses, high-proof. If you really want it to keep forever, high-proof. Some of my tinctures are twenty or more years old. There was plenty once, and hasn't been again, and I'm still using them up. They still taste good, they still are effectual. Most recipes at this level call for everclear, but 151 rum is not bad.
Sometimes I have random-proof moonshine. Clearly higher than 80. Not necessarily the tastiest. Poorly cut. That works as your all-purpose menstruum. Or to proof up your vodka. Not
enough alcohol in a medicinal dose to worry about heads or tails.
I also use moderately high proof if I'm going to be decocting the medicine after tincturing it and then mixing them together, such as for
mushrooms. With 80 proof I'm afraid my results will be too low-alcohol to keep well once mixed.
Occasionally, if I have, say, some bourbon left from a party and no room in the cupboard, I use it. This makes a nice treat with otherwise not-too-nasty herbs. Suitable for presents.
My go-to for recipes is Michael Moore's old site:
for example:
Fevers, common cold, amenorrhea, passive bleeding from boggy mucosa. Hemostatic
from LowerUT bleeding with pain on urination (secondary to other treatment)
WHOLE FLOWERING PLANT. Tincture [FRESH 1:2, DRY 1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-40 drops, 4x
a day.
CONTRA: Bradycardia, coagulation disorders, nephritis.