yes Parma ham is good i have probably never had the best though maybe all the pigs are fed from whey if all the parmesan in the world is still made in Italy there must be
enough whey for a lot of Parma ham.
There are woods in the Tuscany used for pigs i can' t remember whether oak or chestnut so maybe the best parma ham is also acorn fed.
What interests me most about the acorn fed pigs is that it means the land is wooded be it lightly wooded, it interests me because some trees are better than no trees, it also interests me that traditionally the woods were light because fire is a problems in countries with a dry climate so lightly wooding them and combining the exploitation of fire wood and pasture because just producing fire wood is not economically viable if the land is lightly wooded is an
answer to the fire problem and there are big fires in california as well as the mediteranean so big as to make it logical to think anyone would be interested in different ways of reducing the fire risk.
paul cerringho talks of using questions as a way of arguing with people, of convincing them of the topic you put forward. i was subjected to this method of arguing as I often am but this time a few days ago on this topic, which is to say the topic of these wooded farms.
The questioning technique as I have experienced it, used in Spain iscomplicated, it means knowing the ideas of the person you are talking to so you can lead them with questions to speak of that part of their knowledge that you know what will back up your own argument. It also means knowing how to cut their conversation short, hijack the conversation if they move on to some argument that is not to your liking.
In this case i was lead to explain that in this farming system the oak woods are thinned out and the trees in them heavily pruned though not as heavily as olives or fruit trees are pruned and so the trees potential as an ecological force that increases the humidity of the air and cools it and that takes up
carbon dioxide is reduced or the provides a thick carpet of leaves. There would be a lot more head to the trees if their growth were natural rather than subjected to the system of which acorn fed pigs is a part. Pruning them provides browse for the live stock, helps increase the amount of acorns produced and reduces the shade to the pastures, which if too heavily shaded would effect the grass. A higher tree produces longer shade.
The man questioning me got me to talk of how the woods were thinned and the trees pruned and raised his eyebrows slightly about it and changed the subject, he did not say, "dont you think this is not ecological which would have allowed me to say, were the farmers are not allowed to make use of the trees they would get cut down and i have photographic evidence of this, of bits of land with trees on which have now become wheat fields and the tendency is growing, there are less and less wooded slopes once wheatr was only grown on flat land an dthe slopes were wooded and more and more slopes used for grain which is bad farming practice and this is why i think it is better if a farmers have a use for the trees, then they protect them or even plant them so the system where they are used is better than systems in which the tree aren't useful to farmers and the woods turn into wheat fields. It is lillegal to cut hem still little by little they manage to kill them.
Here the ecologists are doing their nut about new housing estates which my observation leads me to believe get heavly planted up with trees and so are more ecological than not, while they don’t seem to notice wooded areas falling under the plough.
It seems to me the questioning method is a mean trick if it is used the way it is used on me, I have even had people changing subject a lot so as to get me making the points they wanted and looking impatient so I hurried to much to keep my head entirely so I never got to the end of any topic I began and then asking me if I had Alzheimer’s as I had forgotten many of the points I wanted to make. Very mean arguers.
The arguing method is hard to use I can’t think how to do it myself though I know no one who allows me to interview them at all, in any way so it would be hard for me to imagine using it. Spanish pride makes them refuse to be questioned by a woman unless it is a more powerful one than me. That is a good way to do for someone confidence hedge in the ir conversation so they don’t cover subjects well and avoid all temptation to answer the victim so they learn to lose all hope of beign informed themselves of reciprocal behavior so you get ehm informing you but never give them information.
Though the questioning method seems difficult to me it I sobviouse tha if you get good at it it is easy to use to make other people argue in such a way as to prove your point and not their own. You need to have the cheek to stop them moving into the part of their arguments that would disprove the point your want them to make. It is highly manipulative, it leaves me chattering with fury when I go over the conversation in my head and realize that they have got me to argue without covering all the points, and in such a way as to stop me defending what I know to be true. I chatter with fury internally when I realize that I have allowed them to hedge in the conversation so as to stop all the truth from being given due consideration. You have to be tough and good at talking over people so they can’t hedge you in if you are faced with this type of arguing.
It is as paul cereghino says, a good way of arguing though it seems to me lordly and at the same time caddish. it is normally used by people who think they know best and think the other persons opinions are best smothered, they have no concept of the other person maybe having something valuable to say. I disapprove of lordliness I think it leads to ignorance, if you are not having open conversations less gets said and all parties end up more ignorant so that the level of education in a country where people are more lordly will be lower than in a country where they are less so which effects food levels and economy and everything.
It is very humiliating and belittling for the person it is directed against, also it make you fell used and feel that there is no love and real friendship aloofness is aloofness it makes the person subjected to it feel a enormous lack of brotherhood a great distance from human love, however many tricks its users play of smiling and looking pleased to see you while they manipulate the conversation.
It also make me stop listening to others, stop treating them as as if they have something interesting to say, I just wonder what trick they are pulling on me now and it keeps me on the hop making sure I cover all the points and making sure that I don’t get tricked, and that means not letting others talk, it stops all human kindness from all but human kindness is not much appreciated here where the only goal is kindness in you heavenly fathers arms so you can mess around with others as much as you want they should not be liking to you for kindness an dlove only to god.
They say it makes you think, could not they say, would not it be better if a tree grew full size in a crowded situation and I could answer yes, if I thought that was the alternative it would be better but the alternative is no trees, the farmers do for them when they are no longer useful and I can prove it. The questioning and cutting you short system and hurrying up the conversation so that it is pressurized and you know you don’t have much time to cover everything, usually leaves me working out what the game was a while after the conversation so then it is wait till I see the person again to give them my feedback slow and the whole unfriendly, the not straight is unfriendly. It is a great system for getting, an aggressive defender of their arguments, one who slowly learns to handle tricks of others and it is normal for others to try and stop the mouth of competitors so it is as well to learn how to stop them stopping your mouth. agri rose macaskie.