Laurel Finch wrote: Probably the biggest gyp was the vaginal atrophy: just when you don't have to worry about getting pregnant, sex becomes painful. These things make me conclude the God truly is a man. However, this is balanced out by a total disinterest in sex anyway, which is a big relief in a lot of ways.
A Ram wrote:I just turned 50 and I’m doing just fine. I contribute more as a functional medicine practitioner. Your ability to detoxify estrogen is probably the main factor in having a healthy transition. This has to do with liver and adrenal function in equal measures, and therefore, with gut function. In general, people who have been healthy — and have no history of hormonal disfunction — tend to have an uneventful transition whereas those with significant health issues— and/or those who carry an unmanageable load of stress— well, the transition gets tougher. In my 20 years of experience, over 50% of the clients I worked with were perimenopausal. Peri is the time to stop taking BS from anyone and get real with priorities. I’ve been fortunate to witness incredible transformations.
Gratefully off-the-grid
Alamo Lake, AZ
Zone 9b, 9 inches of rain if lucky!
Perm.Cert. Zaytuna College, Berkley
Jen Anderson wrote:I have not officially started menopause yet even though I am in my mid-50s. Lifestyle or genetics I have no idea... I did start getting random joint pain and insomnia in my late 40's, especially in my hands and elbows. I could not get a diagnosis. I gave up all alcohol and sugar (except for honey, molasses, date syrup). No more joint pain or insomnia!
Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
In the south when the wind gets to 75 mph they give it a name and call it a hurricane. Here we call it a mite windy...
In her blog, Simone Jeffries wrote:If you're in your early 40s you might be surprised to hear that you could be experiencing perimenopause. But yes, the hormonal changes that lead us towards the end of our reproductive years will begin around the age of 42.
The photos we see in the media about menopause show much older women. However the following photo is more realistic for a woman experiencing perimenopause.
Aspirations: She seeks wool and flax, considers a field and buys it, girds herself with strength, opens her mouth with wisdom, and does him good all the days of her life. (pieces of Proverbs 31, NKJV)
Sara Hartwin wrote:...
Because life is life, and not a sterile science lab, it's hard to know how and how much the hormone changes and life in general are interacting with each other to create my symptoms.
Questions for all of you:
How do you experience "brain fog"? Is this forgetfulness, grogginess, absentmindedness, an actual feeling, or something else entirely? Can you describe what you're talking about, please?
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
* Follow your curiosity , Do what you Love *
Antique and vintage finds TreasureChestTales (Simperi-website is temporarily closed for renovation)
See where your hand is? Not there. It's next to this tiny ad:
Willow Feeder movie