Family farm community, 150 acres, 30 plus years here in Cherry Plain, NY, growing many gardens with plants, bees, horses, goats, llamas, dogs, cats...
Just. Build. The. Damn. Thing!
Family farm community, 150 acres, 30 plus years here in Cherry Plain, NY, growing many gardens with plants, bees, horses, goats, llamas, dogs, cats...
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T. Gardner wrote:Our kid is still a toddler so a live in reno is not a good idea right now. On top of that every house that we look at that is around 30 minutes away from where we work is around 100k if you include reno costs in with the purchase price. At that price point it's do able if we could live in the house while fixin it up.
With that in mind I think the modular is our best bet, we just need the land to put it on and that's the bottleneck right now. Raw land is going 5-10k an acre right now...when it does come up for sale.
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elle sagenev wrote:I haven't read all of the replies.
People change. My husband and I were in agreement that we wanted 4 kids from the start. We have 2 and I'm done. Absolutely done. He still wants more and is baffled at how I just changed my mind like that. While I have my reasons a lot of it is just that I have no urge for my kids at all either.
Perhaps she's been out in the country with you this long and has simply changed her view based on her experience. She has that right. Can you not homestead on an urban lot? Tons of people do.
Just. Build. The. Damn. Thing!
D. Logan wrote:Well, I'd say you two need to sit down together and talk out exactly what is at the core of her feelings. If it is only that one town specifically, then it almost certainly is family. If it is just any town, then maybe it is something else. Maybe she's worried about her mother needing someone close for example. Would a mother-in-law cabin be an option? Something where you offer a small home on your property where her mother could stay free of rent and where your wife could stop in regularly to ensure she remains safe and healthy? If it was an option, it could offer a means of compromise.
Spencer Miles wrote:
elle sagenev wrote:I haven't read all of the replies.
People change. My husband and I were in agreement that we wanted 4 kids from the start. We have 2 and I'm done. Absolutely done. He still wants more and is baffled at how I just changed my mind like that. While I have my reasons a lot of it is just that I have no urge for my kids at all either.
Perhaps she's been out in the country with you this long and has simply changed her view based on her experience. She has that right. Can you not homestead on an urban lot? Tons of people do.
"She has that right." Any marriage concerned with "rights" over the other is dead.
Funny how "marriage" has been converted to Her Rights and his duties.
Changing the mind... changing the mind... Is it her "right" to decide " sickness..." didn't matter - that she didn't really mean it? Rights Rights Rights...
Why bother believing anyone, why faith, why trust...
Fickle. Subordinating your mate because you have a "right" to be inconsistent. Right to lie. Right to betray. Right to condescend. Right to manipulate. Right to demand. Right to nag. Right to cheat. Rights, rights, rights.
HE should change to the urban lot (though he already owns a lot, and has been working on it) because SHE changed her mind.
Yep - HE has to adjust to HER - like the weather. Consistency means nothing, loyalty means nothing. Keep your wife by doing everything SHE wants - then pay alimony/child-support anyways.
Compromise yourself to keep a woman - you'll loose both.
Commitment, consistency, trustworthiness?
Nahh... SHE has the RIGHT to change her mind.
Husbands. Are. Not. Accessories.
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A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
Angelika Maier wrote:
What is your more important dream building a house or a market garden?
Still able to dream.
We're all out of roofs. But we still have tiny ads:
12 DVDs bundle