Laurel Eastman wrote:Tiny Habits
This approach by the infamous BJ Fogg has really worked for me.
He offers a free 5 day program, and if you can get his book from the library I highly recommend. The website is also great, and podcasts etc.
Similar and also very helpful is Atomic Habits by James Clear, and I like his email newsletter.
I track my new habits on a page in my Bullet Journal - - and try to keep the streak going. I like the paper (analog) tracking more than any apps I've tried.
xx much love to all the Permies
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Sonja Draven wrote:This touches on some things from this thread and has been true for me.
Film at the speed of life
“If we are honest, we can still love what we are, we can find all the good there is to find, and we may find ways to enhance that good, and to find a new kind of living world which is appropriate for our time.” ― Christopher Alexander
Rachel Lindsay wrote: Are there any other ideas for 1) making the routine working time more pleasant, and 2) arriving at a sense of completion with these tasks, at least for that specific day?
“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
― Voltaire
“If we are honest, we can still love what we are, we can find all the good there is to find, and we may find ways to enhance that good, and to find a new kind of living world which is appropriate for our time.” ― Christopher Alexander
"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
Somehow, I ran across the YouTube that explains using a Bullet Journal and watched it because I was curious after seeing it referred to all over the place - including Laurel's post!
So I watched it (it's a quick, engaging 4:11 minutes), and went 'meh' I get what it is now, but probably not for me.
Then, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept wondering if I would like it. So I pulled out just a ruled paper tablet, no cover, not even a journal, and started to use that. And you know, I like it! I'm probably not going to go all colorful sparkly pens and girly stencils like what seems to be the rage these days, but the basic kind, like in the video above, does seem to work for me. We'll see if I keep it up.
Nicole Alderman wrote:
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
<post about bullet journaling>
Did it end up working for you? I watched the video, and the more details he went into, the more my brain said, "This isn't for me!"
Nicole Alderman wrote:Somehow (maybe because I watch videos about Bookbinding) I stumbled across this video:
I like not being constrained by a pre-determined "you must use this journal this way" method. I already have a 5-year planner book, so I don't need a calendar in my journal. I just need a place to store and process my thoughts.
I like how low-key it is. Sometimes making the process too fancy or organized can prevent us from using something, because we're afraid of it not being perfect. I'm trying really hard to keep myself from feeling like I "have to" us my book one way or another
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms -
Laurel Eastman wrote:Tiny Habits
This approach by the infamous BJ Fogg has really worked for me.
He offers a free 5 day program, and if you can get his book from the library I highly recommend. The website is also great, and podcasts etc.
Similar and also very helpful is Atomic Habits by James Clear, and I like his email newsletter.
I track my new habits on a page in my Bullet Journal - - and try to keep the streak going. I like the paper (analog) tracking more than any apps I've tried.
xx much love to all the Permies
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