Working toward a permaculture-strong retirement near sunny Sperling.
Derek Thille wrote:anti-fatigue mat.
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r ranson wrote:New to dishwashers here. My observations after week one.
(we have a well pump which is a power hog, but our water heater is heated with spillover from the geothermal heat pump)
3% savings on the electric bill. But we have been dealing with quite a back log of dishes and now we can easily wash dishes we are cooking two hot meals a day instead of one (so double cooking time per day and yet still saving money). When things settle down, we expect a 7-10% savings.
It has yet to reach the 28 decibel promised.
Eating loads healthier as less time spent washing dishes.
Dramatically less food wasted as we feel inspired to cook. Maybe 20-30% of the food would normally be wasted, we are down to about 2%. I expect this will settle out to 5% over time. I say "wasted" but it mostly means fed to chickens. But still, that's expensive chicken food.
The largest cycle I can run on the washing machine is four gallons and about four hours. The regular cycle is under 2 hours and uses less than three gallons. (That's US gallons which are smaller than Canadian/UK). I think eco-mode uses far less water and electricity, but a) requires a smart phone to use which we do not have and b) is best for not-very-dirty dishes.
To hand wash the amount of dishes we can fit in the washing machine requires multiple changes of water, at about 2-4 gallons each load (including rinse and pre-rinse water). if also takes us about 4 days due to health concerns.
The dishwasher instructions say specifically NOT TO PRE RINSE the dishes before putting them in. I take this seriously. Except for melted cheese. that seems to need soaking first. According to what I can tell, the soap needs an amount of dirt to grab hold of and scour the dishes or something? We are getting to the point where we are washing every other day and the dried on sauces aren't an issue. So long as we scrape away all the solids.
Until about a month ago, I was dead set against getting a dishwasher. I've never used one before. All the ones I've tried to use, broke. and all the excellent reasons listed in this thread.
Now, I feel it's an essential part to our "aging in place" which is basically living at home with all the "surprises" getting old gives us. The dishwasher has dramatically reduced stress in our lives and that makes it worth it for me.
Although I think, some of those older versions wouldn't be so nice.
r ranson wrote:That said. If it wasn't for getting older, I would never have accepted a dishwasher into the house. This is nothing like I expected. Quiet...too much so we can't tell when it's on. So little water and soap needed. So little pain compared to trying to wash by hand. And better quality clean than we could achieve by hand anymore. It was either try this machine or hire someone. Given that humans can't be trained not to use scouring items in stainless steel pots (scratches make food stick), this machine is much better.
It's nothing like any dishwasher I met before.
Working toward a permaculture-strong retirement near sunny Sperling.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
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