A well defined problem is already half solved.
Bloom where you are planted.
jacque g wrote:
Also, are there other permies or slow foodies in your area that you can connect with? If you can't get validation for what you're doing from your family, look for it elsewhere. Otherwise, both your gardening and your relationships could suffer.
There are plenty of people who will appreciate what you're doing!
1. my projects
Seed the Mind, Harvest Ideas.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Idle dreamer
There are no experts, Just people with more experience.
Sand Holler Farm
Dale TX
Always put your eggs in one basket.........why would you carry two?
John Polk wrote:
Most good chefs share two common traits:
A keen awareness of tastes and flavors, and
A desire to experiment.
Sounds like he is lacking those traits...he's just a cook.
Intermountain (Cascades and Coast range) oak savannah, 550 - 600 ft elevation. USDA zone 7a. Arid summers, soggy winters
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