This tree is 2 years old, and produce at least a bushel of delicious peaches, and the blossoms survived 2 frosts. I cut it down two years ago because I thought it was a dud, it had tiny yellowish pink flowers and didn't produce fruit so I didn't think it was a true peach. I cut it down and grafted scion
wood from another seedling peach that is the same age and also produces good fruit, but the grafts failed and this year it surprised me and made an abundance of peaches. This is in zone five. Out of four original seedlings, I now have four producing fruit, three of which are good, and one that is a sour grapefruit tasting dud, which I plan to graft the others onto. One makes a large yellow peach, one a small yellow red peach and the newest on is a large orange red peach. I cut them all down at one point or another over the last 4 years because some
rabbits got loose and girdled them. One of them has been fruiting for 2 years and has given me several babies from fallen fruit. I find that if I
feed them compost like tomatoes they grow like crazy and produce early.. Just want people to know that peaches are definitely worth growing from seed, at least up to zone 5.