"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
Stephen B. Thomas wrote:BRK #68
Pollinator Edition...!
Looks like the winged assistants are out and about these days, putting in the last desperate hours of work before the first frost. There were even a few I noticed catching brief naps: sitting in the center of large blossoms, completely still. They're all working hard. I caught a few snapshots of them while we worked the hugels out at Allerton Abbey on the Lab today.
Here's a big, fat bee doing some acrobatics on a comfrey plant this afternoon.
Here's another bee sitting - I think - within the blossoms of a Jerusalem Artichoke. In the past few weeks I learned that if you harvest after the first frost, the sunchokes have a bit more flavour. We're all holding out the best we can for the cold weather to impart that little bonus before we start gathering them up.
This yellow jacket is checking out some flowering Tansy. In general, these bugs have been troublesome to several of the boots this season, though personally I have yet to be stung. Maybe if I stay dirty enough, they'll think I'm just a moving rock or something.
Here's another bee on a flowering Jerusalem Artichoke. I've noticed that the dark purple-stalked variety seem to be flowering much sooner than the green-stemmed kind. However, the green-stemmed variety seems to grow taller. When we finally harvest, it will be interesting to see the differences in what they produce.
Another Jerusalem Artichoke, this one a birds-eye view of a flowering specimen with several more buds waiting to pop open.
Finally, here's one of the sunflowers from Swamp Castle, the one too big to fit in my last photo attempt from earlier this week. I assume that - when we return on Tuesday - it'll have completely opened.
Dez, Hao and I closed-up a few more breaches in the junkpole fence surrounding Allerton Abbey at the close of the afternoon today. Our hope is that all these plants will remain unmolested by deer, and then we'll have a decent harvest in the weeks to come. We were also gifted a large braid of garlic from the Missoula Farmer's Market (thanks, Samantha!), and those will go in the ground late next week, at both Basecamp and the Lab.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and make it a wonderful weekend...!
Gemma Boyd
Gemma Boyd wrote:I’m really loving the Jerusalem artichokes and the giant sunflower. I took this of my Velvet Queen for you. It must have been great to have all of that cosmos! I grew Cosmos Tango this year. I’m hoping when the weather cools a bit it will flourish more.
"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
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