BRK #75
I kinda fell off the BRK wagon for a few days. My apologies. It's a combination of not carrying my camera with me, and not having time to go back up and fetch it from my tent before we're off on whatever adventure happens next (oh, and I don't want to do photos of my food...and I spent a
lot of time over the weekend eating). So here we go.
Here's the sunrise from Saturday. I knew before I rolled out of my sleeping bag that it was going to be a fantastic weekend. This view certainly didn't disabuse me of that notion.
It was Hao's final weekend as a boot, then he went back to the Carolinas. He'll be missed, and the team has another hole in it so soon after a high commander's
retirement (both occasions were recognized with a fancy dinner in town over the weekend). So it goes. The good news is that Sunday afternoon I just so happened to pass by the vegan donut shop during their "happy hour," and I was able to eat my sorrows away.
And yet, we must move forward, so... Fast forward to today. Here's a look from my point of view while removing the under-skirt of the tipi, which needed a good cleaning prior to our several-months-straight of rentals.
By the end of the day, they were suspended from the "Bob Line" out in front of the classroom. They'll be hosed-down, lightly-scrubbed, and left to dry most of tomorrow, then returned to the tipi, ready for our guests.
While over at the cistern on the Lab today, I was checking the
water levels. Again, here's my point of view, and things look great in there.
As Judy - our fire-truck - filled with water from the cistern, I was visited by a pair of these birds. They seemed comfortable enough around me, and as they were going about their business Judy and I must have just been in their path.
I think this is a Canada Jay, but I can't confirm it. Anyone out there with a clearer or more-confident ID on this bird?
We watered the hugels over at Allerton Abbey today. Things are slowing-down on the irrigation front, and now our minds are always distracted by thoughts of harvesting. Here's a close-up view of some comfrey growing on the east side of Swamp Castle.
Finally: did a minor band-aid on a chain step on the rear of Judy while at the cistern. This will need a legit welding job, but until then I will resist the urge to tailgate-ride down the road on this little guy.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!