BRK #78
Weekend Catch-Up Edition...!
Ever wonder what the oil filter from a 35HP
tractor looks like? Well, when I was prepping for a weekend shopping trip I sated my curiosity. Turns out it looks just like the one in a typical car, but maybe twice the diameter.
Also something wrapped-up at the end of this past week: I completed the "stilts" for the second set of bunks over at Cooper Cabin. Here's the process, outlined in 6 simple steps.
1. Use the hole-making drill bit to outline your 2.5" hole, then clamp it in a shop vise.
2. Start prepping your removed material by creating a rosebud/spiderweb pattern on the part to be chiseled out. Start from the outside edge and work to the center.
3. Use the gouge (basically, a rounded chisel) to remove material a little at a time. Work from the center to the outside edge.
4. Clear out the hole periodically by removing it from the vise and dumping out the material.
5. Gradually work your way into the piece of
wood until you've made it to the same depth as the hole-cutting drill bit, clearing as you go.
6. Flatten out the bottom of the recess you've made as best you can so there's no uneven leg supports for the bunk.
This was an oddly enjoyable and satisfying
project, and I'm glad to see them put to use (and actually work).
Today, I continued sanding the surfaces of the rolly-shelves in the Solarium. Dusty work, but I kept the sliding doors open to encourage a fresh breeze in there whenever possible.
The rest of the
boots and I had an enthusiastic discussion regarding the Solarium windows, and the possibility of mounting shelves in there for sprouting seedlings - and therefore gaining some ground on the growing season.
Caleb has taken on the project, and I'm excited to see what he comes up with.
a little bird stopped by my workstation in the Library, and dropped off this box of potential tastiness...
I've seen these things working in the winter before, so I reckon I'll hang on to it for a couple more months before I start watering.
Speaking of hanging on... I've decided to push the button on the purchase of a larger, heavy-duty tent! I hope to use it to stay in a tent all winter long. It
should be arriving by next weekend. I'll mount it as soon as possible, then after the
RMH event in October I'll have more information on the kind of tent stove to install in there. I'm very excited about this development, and I'll be sure to share photos of any new tent-ish happenings.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!