“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
Children, Rabbits, Chickens, Bees
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
Brigitte of the Sagewind clan of springers, a meow, chickies and quacks.
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
Patrick Rahilly wrote:Hey @Mike Haasl, do I get a BB for this... and for cooking at PDC? and others I'll send you a note. Cheers.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
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Visit Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
How permies.com works: https://permies.com/wiki/34193/permies-works-links-threads
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
Jay Angler wrote:Patrick, I think the really important take-away here is that it is quite possible to bale hay without fossil fuel if you keep it "human scale". We need to adjust our brains to thinking this is a "part of life" attitude where things get done in bits over several weeks, rather than a machine doing it all in 3 passes.
We need more examples of that in my area where most of the farms are too small to justify the investment in the equipment, and that "reliance on others" can melt in a heart-beat. There's going to be a serious shortage of hay in this area due to the extended drought, and I expect many people with small flocks/a few horses/a couple of llamas are going to get sticker shock when they try to get hay for them for this winter.
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
Yes, it's important to make that distinction. We want permies to make money so they stay in business and have enough money to expand within the permaculture sphere and "care of people" includes building and supporting communities. In my opinion, sometimes there is too much focus on "independence" rather than "group dependence". Making sure you neighbors have affordable hay in tough times is a start. Helping those people find alternatives that are more sustainable than importing hay from a distance, like growing Mangelwurzel to supplement hay use and provide much needed diversity would also be a good approach. Getting a team together to build some of those manual bailers like the video shows, would also be an asset. Sometimes it's the little things that have the greatest impact!It’s nice being in an area of the world where some people put their community above soleless profits. Not against profit, but gouging is not cool
Visit Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
How permies.com works: https://permies.com/wiki/34193/permies-works-links-threads
Jay Angler wrote: Getting a team together to build some of those manual bailers like the video shows, would also be an asset. Sometimes it's the little things that have the greatest impact!
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
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