Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at http://blog.dxlogan.com/ and my main site is found at http://www.dxlogan.com/
….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
D. Logan wrote: but when we did the math, we don't have enough in the bank for that high of an interest rate. We really only have enough for 10 to 13%.
Robin Katz wrote:
D. Logan wrote: but when we did the math, we don't have enough in the bank for that high of an interest rate. We really only have enough for 10 to 13%.
This bank is charging an interest rate that is way out of line. They are doing you no favors at all.
We were able to get good interest rates by building our credit score so that we were considered a good risk for a loan. If your credit score is bad, the lending institutions will ream you with high interest to mitigate their risk. In the long run, it will be cheaper to build credit, pay off debt and then apply for a loan with a decent interest rate. Sheer drudgery but it will pay off for many years.
Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Melonie Corder wrote:A 10-13% interest rate? Is that a typo? That is insane on any loan. What a totally frustrating place to be.
Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at http://blog.dxlogan.com/ and my main site is found at http://www.dxlogan.com/
D. Logan wrote:
Melonie Corder wrote:A 10-13% interest rate? Is that a typo? That is insane on any loan. What a totally frustrating place to be.
10 to 13% down. It was referring to the fact that those loans need 20% minimum.
Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at http://blog.dxlogan.com/ and my main site is found at http://www.dxlogan.com/
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