Today was an absolute treat. I woke up and the
coffee fairy, Pierre, came into my cabin with a deliciously warm beverage. After a while we cooked breakfast, so I woke up Chris so he could eat a tasty meal. Then Pierre and I decided to fully transform the outdoor kitchen into a usable space. It looks completely different and is amazing.
I told him at some point I'd like to plane the surface of the boards on the counter top to make them nicer. He walks off to his car and comes back with a cute little plane! Then I set to work planing the counter in between doing all sorts of things today. He told me he got it for five dollars at a flea market in Missouri. It's so easy and sharp. I love it. Kinda envious. 😅 After a bit he wanted to try to use it because I'd put in more time than he had with it so far. 😂 So I gave it back to him with some pointers and he planed for a bit too. It was fun!
While I unpacked things from my trailer into the cabin, he cooked lunch for us all. After that all settled, we worked on a
water filtration system that he wanted to build. I helped by grinding up some charcoal while he cleaned and sanitized the gravel media.
Meanwhile Chris was busy building a shave horse. Holy cows. Pretty amazing things going on here today.
Hope you had a great Saturday! Tomorrow the
PDC starts and I drink from the firehose. Let's do this!