Bloom where you are planted.
"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
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Paul Cereghino- Ecosystem Guild
Maritime Temperate Coniferous Rainforest - Mild Wet Winter, Dry Summer
Life that has a meaning wouldn't ask for its meaning. - Theodor W. Adorno
I think you may be able to find some currants that are free of the disease. If not, you'd better check with the state before you plant any, as it's illegal in some states to plant gooseberries or currants within a certain distance of white pines (I don't know if any other pines are affected).
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
boddah wrote:
I believe currants are a host for pine blister or whatever its called? i dunno if i should plant it cause i like and have some big healthy pines. anyone know what the real risk is?
Mekka Pakanohida wrote:
Does the pacific northwest currants & conifers know this? Currants are a major berry food for native animals in the pacific Northwest surrounded by pines, and other acid loving things like thimbleberry, salmonberry, crowberry, salal aka laughing berry, and more.
Bloom where you are planted.
"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
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Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
Mori no Niwa wrote:I've planted a few blackcurrants in recent years, mostly 'Riverview' and 'Consort.' This is the first year any have fruited (Consort, I think), and the flavor of the ones I have tried so far is really bizarre—I would liken it to pine tar mixed with an essence of a raw green bell pepper.
-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
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Jane, try planting crandall clove currant. I've talked to a person on that grows them in z10a s. cali. and it reliably fruits for her there. whats amazing is this native currant grows and fruits from z2-z10! i have 2 in the yard and they have beautifully scented yellow flowers with red stamens. my 2 yr old plant flowered so heavily last spring the plant looked solid yellow from a distance. berries are very good for fresh eating. kind of concord grape/ blackcurrant cross. nice big berries also! i got mine from burnt ridge nurseries. i also have 3 golden currants i put in last spring, which are native to your area. supposedly get red berries. i got them from a colorado nursery on amazon. they should fruit this year and ill post on here how they taste. could share some cuttings next spring once they grow out a little more.Jane Reed wrote:Jay, In my situation, I’m overrun with non-native annual grasses. When comfrey shoots up in the spring it will cast so much shade that only a few grass seeds germinate and reach maturity. If shade will discourage buttercup then comfrey might work. The next question is, will comfrey crowd out your currants?
I live in a Mediterranean climate and decided to try black currants. I put in 2 plants a year ago last December, bare root. I put them in a somewhat shaded part of the garden but finally had to erect a shade cloth to protect them from the blazing hot afternoon sun. Last fall I dug them up and moved them to an even shadier spot where I don’t think they’ll need that kind of protection. But the heat, not just direct sunlight, might limit my success with them. I had to try because I really like the flavor of the berries.
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