Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
How Works
The hyperlink should be fixed! Thanks, r!
Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
How Works
The Buy Now for $89.50 button is working now!
images have alt
Color Palatte is being adjusted! Thanks for your input
(Reminder to myself) God didn't say, "well said, well planned, and well thought out." He said, "well done."
Nikki's Wishlist
letter spacing is a great idea! Thanks!
Go outside and play!
That funny symbol seems to pop up where the apostrophe is supposed to be, it should be taken care of now!
The Garden Master Course next february is mostly an indoor class. It's been held in the past in January. If you purchase the Garden Master Course video, you can take the course any time of the year in the comfort of your own home! How cool is that?
Thank you for your input!
Am I scavenger-hunting right?
I think I may have fixed this...
Thank you for your input!
I have included a text link under the course buy button. Thanks for your input!
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
-I think we are getting close to working out the color scheme.
-As I work on the copy, I have taken your suggestions for fluency, thanks!
-I like the idea of making beyond-organic a kind of brand.
-I belive each place it says master gardener is intentional.
-those weird characters are hopefully taken care of! happens with introducing this font sometimes.
-I will try to clarify that the in-person is the only certified course.
-with the new color scheme, I'm trying a different approach with the white text. I'd love to know if it is clearer, or if i should still do more black.
I think it's much better. I didn't look through every line for typos or other details but the font is much easier to read (in my opinion)
Learning slowly...
How works
I will look into the border symmetry. Thank you!
I'm only 64! That's not to old to learn to be a permie, right?
letter spacing and color scheme are on their way to being worked out
I appreciate the feedback on the garden master guide section. I will look into making this flow a bit better.
Thank you so much for the insight into the VAT/GST and going from the site to permies. I will also look into this either being clarified or a smoother transition
"Draw your own conclusions, but draw them in pencil so you can change them again later."
-- Douglas Black
Nails are sold by the pound, that makes sense.
Soluna Garden Farm -- Flower CSA -- plants, and cut flowers at our Boston Public Market location, Boston, Massachusetts.
He whai take kore noa anō te kupu mēnā mā nga mahi a te tangata ia e kōrero / His words are nothing if his works say otherwise
Thanks for the suggestions! We are working on the color scheme now!
bree kime wrote:I just took a look and it sounds amazing!
I always wanted to be a Master Gardener but I was disappointed after completing the education. My Master Gardener educators are very old school in the education and don't even know what permaculture is.
I'm a poor stay at home mom of 3 boys and for some reason all permaculture programs are very expensive. I can't afford any of the classes or programs offered by you and others. I appreciate that this is the most affordable thing I've seen. It's even cheaper then the Master Gardener program which costs $100 here.
While I appreciate that it's not very expensive, it would be cool if you offered scholarships for other programs. It's the poorest among us who will truly benefit from permaculture.
I know that every little bit helps me on my journey of creating an educational farm and seed company that accommodates the disabled community.
I'm definitely going to be saving up for this. I think it looks just what I'm looking for and maybe I could help update my fellow masters gardeners.
I can't wait. Thanks for this!
bree kime wrote:I just took a look and it sounds amazing!
I always wanted to be a Master Gardener but I was disappointed after completing the education. My Master Gardener educators are very old school in the education and don't even know what permaculture is.
I'm a poor stay at home mom of 3 boys and for some reason all permaculture programs are very expensive. I can't afford any of the classes or programs offered by you and others. I appreciate that this is the most affordable thing I've seen. It's even cheaper then the Master Gardener program which costs $100 here.
While I appreciate that it's not very expensive, it would be cool if you offered scholarships for other programs. It's the poorest among us who will truly benefit from permaculture.
I know that every little bit helps me on my journey of creating an educational farm and seed company that accommodates the disabled community.
I'm definitely going to be saving up for this. I think it looks just what I'm looking for and maybe I could help update my fellow masters gardeners.
I can't wait. Thanks for this!
Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
How Works
Thanks Barbara! The KS video is a placeholder for the trailer that will be replaced once its live
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Jeff Bosch wrote:
bree kime wrote:I just took a look and it sounds amazing!
I always wanted to be a Master Gardener but I was disappointed after completing the education. My Master Gardener educators are very old school in the education and don't even know what permaculture is.
I'm a poor stay at home mom of 3 boys and for some reason all permaculture programs are very expensive. I can't afford any of the classes or programs offered by you and others. I appreciate that this is the most affordable thing I've seen. It's even cheaper then the Master Gardener program which costs $100 here.
While I appreciate that it's not very expensive, it would be cool if you offered scholarships for other programs. It's the poorest among us who will truly benefit from permaculture.
I know that every little bit helps me on my journey of creating an educational farm and seed company that accommodates the disabled community.
I'm definitely going to be saving up for this. I think it looks just what I'm looking for and maybe I could help update my fellow masters gardeners.
I can't wait. Thanks for this!
We do have the worktrade program: Bootcamp Worktrade
Hooray for Homesteading!
Perpetual Growth Regenerative Horticulture. Grow in peace.
Hot Cha, where are you?
Lee Cason wrote:I must be square in the center of the target audience. I'm a crusty old, opinionated IT guy that has been criticizing web pages since before there was an Internet, and I found nothing to dislike. In fact, I was so sold that I bought the course! I think you folks did an excellent job and that this is suitable to release.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi