Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Western Washington (Zone 7B - temperate maritime)
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The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
My cold climate North of Superior Permaculture site:
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
jturbo68 wrote:
Hello all,
Here is my plan and questions for comment from you all.
1. Build Swales across the contours of the property about 3-4 foot deep and say 10' wide. It is possible that these swales will act more like ponds.
but , If they drain readily, fill them level with wood and build Hugel Beds.
2. Running more down hill, below the swales, build a series of Hugel Beds. Trenching down 2 foot or so. and maybe 6' wide and 6' tall.
My thought is that the swales will trickle water to be absorbed by the hugel beds.
My questions.
1. Would it be better to avoid filling the swales because my land doesnt typically drain terribly fast? That seems to be the gist of some earlier posts on the subject.
2. Are new logs alright for use in Hugel? I just cleared the land where these will be placed.
3. He soil placed on the hugel beds will be largely heavy clay mixed with the smaller rock that I wont be bale to separate from digging out
the trenches. Is that a big problem? I will have a small amount of the hummus soil to place as the final inch or two. I can get some topsoil if it is needed to create better soil, but that is addl expense.
4. I will be building more beds than I will initially use. Planning on using white clover to cover the beds for the first year or two. Is that a decent plan, or should I come up with something more polyculture-ish as a cover crop?
5. Should I use Compost / Straw on the beds to make a kind of sheet much on the beds to build soil and stop erosion of the soil on the beds?
6. I dont have any type of fresh grass or hay to place between the Trees and Soil to boost Nitrogen in the Hugel? Is this an issue? I see some beds with a layer of N and some built without. I can find something if important, but as I will be building several hundred feet of beds, this could be an issue.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
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