The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
s. lowe wrote:I've been making a bunch of nixtamal from my best corn harvest ever and we've been eating thick tortillas with almost every meal. Now I just need to upgrade my grinder
Anita Martin wrote:Homemade jam is the best!
I usuall don't put it on bread or biscuits but stir some into my porridge. Redcurrant jam is a must for Christmas cookies.
Last night I supplemented the potatoe gratin (not my own potatoes) with baked hokkaido pumpin with cheese crust and a side dish of turnip. After the first frost it was super tender and sweet (sauteed it with some butter, honey and salt).
Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
Tereza Okava wrote:
s. lowe wrote:I've been making a bunch of nixtamal from my best corn harvest ever and we've been eating thick tortillas with almost every meal. Now I just need to upgrade my grinder
I would love to hear how you're doing this and what you're using so far! I do it every so often (we can't get masa or tortillas or whatever, have to make it myself) and it's a bit of a PITA but generally worth it. FWIW i use my omega juicer to grind the corn after it's cooked, which was definitely not what I figured I'd be using it for, but the specially-bought grinder turned out to be completely stinking useless. Usually two passes through the machine is leaves it perfect.
Water! People swim in water! Even tiny ads swim in water:
A PDC for cold climate homesteaders