Wasn't in a typing mood last night when I remembered that I needed to post my BRK. The first picture below is the list of seeds I planted yesterday. The beans were graciously donated, thank you so much, Greg! The Appaloosa beans are gorgeous. Half white with black speckles on the other half. 😍😍 Tiny horse bean. I love them. 🤍🖤 I want those all to do amazingly so I can have so many more!
The second picture shows the
hugel I'm overseeing in red. The green is where I planted those seeds. I'm really hoping those beans take off because it'd be great to get some hillside structure to a couple of areas in that green.
Third picture is the
Shower Shack
wood rack filled up and ready to dry a bit before splitting. Chris has been busy cutting all the wood and stacking it around here. Last picture is the wood on the garage wall. So much restacking of wood to make it look nice.
Today I spent taking time to get the garage prepped for insulation. Sorted the free shelf a bit so people could look through it. Then ran around putting dominoes in a row so they all fall together nicely. We'll see how the rest of the week goes to see if I stacked functions well. 🤔
bootcamp split into two groups: the Labs and Basecamp. Four people are now living/working full time on the Lab property. I feel so much more relieved now that there's fewer people around. Walking into a room full of people sets me on edge, and I haven't had to
experience that the past couple days. My brain is relaxing a little, which is nice because it's been over a month of anxiety-filled days and that's exhausting. Working hard 40+ hours/6 days a week is tiring
enough without adding all the other social interactions that drain me. Hopefully I can continue to find some quiet relief.