Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
Jordan Holland wrote: I believe we are all fixer uppers, just to different degrees. I believe all decent people deserve a chance, and that our salvation is not in trying to help ourselves, but in helping others.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." ~ Paulo Coelho
Pearl Sutton wrote:This came out of a reply I made to another thread. I think it is worthwhile to make it a stand alone thread.
There is a VERY wise quote I like: The hardest thing to forgive a person for is the very quality that made you fall in love with them.
I tend to look at a guy and say "What's attracting me to him, his best quality, and will I be able to forgive that when the time comes that I have to?"
It's pretty easy for most of us to come up with an example for this based on things we have seen other people do.
An example is the lady I know who told me when she married "He's so SMART! He's always carrying a book!" And when they divorced 18 months later told me "He won't TALK to me! He's always reading!" She didn't manage to forgive him for what attracted her.
Another is the guy I know who showered a lady with expensive gifts (cars, trips, clothes, jewelry!) then was stunned when she took everything she could get when they divorced. He didn't understand that he loved her partly because she fell for his expensive bait, and that was still her priority.
We all know stories like that. But translating it into our own relationships is harder. And forgiving them is even harder.
A relationship out of my past that I couldn't forgive is a guy who is as creative as I am, always has awesome things he's doing, awesome things he's making, shows to do, festivals to make products for. But I couldn't forgive that he was always doing awesome things, leaving me to do all the mundane things like bring in money to pay the bills, cook food, keep the house clean. I want to do awesome things too! I had no time to do awesome things, someone had to deal with the world, and he was always too busy being awesome to help with the worldly stuff. I didn't realize this though, until we had shredded each other bad enough that it took about two years after we broke up before we could go back to being friends. To keep the relationship intact I would have had to forgive him being awesome creative and busy and he would have had to forgive me wanting some of the world dealt with so I could create too.
That quote is a corollary of another: Your best quality is also your worst flaw. You have to be able to forgive yourself for your best quality too, because at some point, you will realize you have to.
Oooh, now that gets more difficult. What is your best quality? Flip it over, look at it and see the flaw there.
I'm creative, and I am a recycler. I call my creative style bricolage, meaning one who makes things out of bits and pieces from here and there. Which means I will need bits and pieces, and I can see their potential, and I bring home all kinds of things I want to use later. Which means some days the chaos gets deep. Those days I have to be able to forgive myself, I'm doing what I do best, seeing the potential in things. What I do best is usually not put things away immediately, I'd rather create. The dark side of a constantly creative mind is the mess.
My challenge to y'all is to start looking for the best qualities in everyone, INCLUDING YOURSELF and figure out both what they are, and what will have to be forgiven.
And since this is the singles section, figure out if that quality going to be a deal breaker in a relationship. Practicing this observance in lots of people will make it easier to see in a relationship setting.
….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
Living a life that requires no vacation.
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
Finding the hard way to do anything.
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
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