What you experiencing is called Despair. This is normal. We all encounter it from time to time.
E. Sedgwick wrote:I see only 3 options in front of me
Understandable. The first thing Despair removes is Imagination. There are so many options in front of you it would be difficult to list them.
E. Sedgwick wrote:none are appealing
Also understandable. Working for the man is no way to spend your life.
E. Sedgwick wrote:Option three, which is the best, is to live some kind of permaculture lifestyle, but the problem here is that land is really expensive and I'd still be chained to a mortgage or loan for the rest of my life. Or most of it anyway.
This conclusion is in error.
E. Sedgwick wrote:I can't just quit my job and join an eco-village because I've already accrued debt which I have to keep paying.
You have a resource: job.
E. Sedgwick wrote:I'm stuck in the system, and I don't know how to get out.
Read: I'm in the same boat as everyone else.
I have 2 options
1] Sugar coat a response that says you have your whole life in front of you and not to worry.
2] Shoot from the hip and tell it like it is.
Hey man, you are 19 years old. You have your whole life in front of you. Don't worry, things will turn out just fine.
You have accrued so much debt that you are trapped in a low wage job? What were you thinking? Did you at least get something useful for the debt or did you blow it on parties and shiny hubcaps? Chalk this one up to a growth experience and don't repeat it. When I was 22 I was paying about 200/month on interest. That was around a weeks pay each month for stuff like furniture that offered nothing in return. By the time I finished paying everything off, the stuff I bought was worn out.
One learns from one's mistakes.
About your only advantage here is found in building your credit history. Do what you can to pay down that debt. Make those minimum payments religiously. Go hungry if you have to, but make those payments on time. It would suck big time if you have to work and suffer and don't get a decent credit score out of the deal. If you succeed in securing a good credit rating, you'll be able to use it to your advantage.
Right now you have a job. You're already ahead of a whole lot of people. At least you've got some money coming in. It might be hard work, but it's a whole lot harder when there is NO work. Getting your financial house in order is tough when there's not much to work with, so go after the problem from several angles.
-Bring in more money.
Work hard and focus, if there is more money to be had in your current job, go after it. Hunt for another job that pays more, even if the job sucks. Hunt for a part time job, even if it sucks. Most jobs suck or they would not hire it out. For now, suck it up.
-Spend less.
This is difficult because you are already scratching by. If you must, keep a record of how much you spend, where, and when. If you don't need to spend the money to survive, don't spend it. Give it ALL up: soda, snacks, movies, cable TV, cell phone, internet, clothes
dryer, turn down the heat, remove the
light bulbs, turn off the
water heater, no drinking/smoking/drugs, no fun. Do you really need to run the fridge when there is no food in it?
Pancakes are cheap. Eat lots of pancakes. If the job is so bad, it would be a shame to waste so much as a penny. Get the most from what you are spending. All too often things are thrown away that can be of use. Fix it before you toss it. When you must buy something, look to the Goodwill and 2nd hand shops first. Instead of running a TV, go to the library.
-Share the bills.
When I was in my mid-20s me and a buddy took an apartment with 4 bedrooms. We worked in a restaurant so it was easy to find roommates. We charged 100/week to rent a room, included all the utilities. Renting the 2 rooms paid the rent,
lights and heat. We had it made. Perhaps this is an avenue to pursue. How many people can you squeeze into an apartment? Can you build bunks, share the bedrooms and split the rent with more people? Talk to everyone you know, chances are they are in the same boat and would benefit from a cheap place to live.
You took on some debt to buy something. Can you sell whatever it was? Is there anything else you can sell off, maybe an old stamp collection? I sold my saxaphone to pay the light bill. I don't miss it. Wasn't any good at playing the thing anyway. If the purchase is crippling you, selling it is a chance to recover at least some of the money. You don't get to enjoy the thing, and you'll take a loss, but at least you won't be as crippled.
It is all too easy to fall for the trap of consumption. You can have the world at your fingertips, enjoy comfort and style, be the envy of everyone on your block, travel to exotic places, and all you have to do is flash that credit card. Then the bill comes in. And you missed a week of work with the flu. Then the car got a flat tire. Then you got a speeding ticket. When minimum wage is all you have to work with, there is not much room for problems. There is surely no room for servicing debt. About all you can do is rent a cheap basement apartment, run a
light bulb, and eat mac n cheese. I ate a lot of mac n cheese back in the day. You've made your bed, now you have to sleep in it. It won't be easy or quick, but people dig themselves out of holes all the time.
The challenge is to start over, while still encumbered by the mistakes you have made. It takes sacrifice, commitment and hard work to take care of the basics of food,
shelter, transportation and debt. Once you have those, Creativity can go a long way towards getting ahead. Understand that the rules of the system are not written in stone.
You don't have to own the land. You only need the use of the land. You don't have to pay for the land either, you may be able to use land by offering something in exchange. If you can produce something from the land, say, vegetables, you would have something to trade. Put ads online, in Craigslist, ask around, talk to everyone you know. There is land out there that is not being used, and could well be owned by someone you already know. "Let me use the land to grow vegetables, you get all you can eat, I can sell the rest." This plan offers income, cuts your bills with food on the table, gives you a chance at real world hands on experience, makes the landowner happy, and puts you in front of paying customers.
Time for some arithmetic
Minimum wage=$7.25/hour
40 hours/week
50 weeks/year (2 weeks off for the flu and visiting grandma)
this does not include taxes
A part time job pulling in half that, $7000/yr, would go a long way towards wiping out that debt.
Even if you paid 30% in taxes on that, about $5000 for the year would be a big shot in the arm
Say you grew vegetables on this borrowed land to sell, either at a farmer's market or Pick Your Own.
A price of $1.50/pound is a fine deal by supermarket prices.
If you were able to raise and sell 5000 pounds of vegetables, 5000 x $1.50 = $7500. This is equivalent to a part time job.
At the very least you will need some seed ($50-$100) and a shovel ($20 or borrow one).
For a
polyculture of 20 different plants, 250 pounds of each type of vegetable. That's doable.
Tomato, green pepper, cabbage, turnip, beets, cauliflower, brocolli, spinach, peas, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, zuke, butternut squash, pumpkins, corn, eggplant, romaine, onions, celery. That's doable
Done in growing beds 4' wide, 50' long, 200 sqft/bed. You can fit plenty of stuff in there. 1800 onions, 50 tomato, 200 cabbage, 400 lettuce...if you were able to raise 200 pounds in 200 sqft and threw away HALF, all you would need is 50 beds. Even with 4' paths between the beds, all you need is a half an acre of land.
There is information all over these forums on how to raise vegetables naturally, with little or no
water, with free inputs,
compost, mulch, and pesticide free. If you can't find the information, all you have to do is ask.
During the cool season, make compost. Do it again next year. Pay off that debt. Save your pennies.
Build that reputation.
Do it well, give the people what they want, you can take on more land, even if you have to rent it and pay for pumping water.
How far you can go is up to you. You can follow the path of the CSA, get paid upfront, buy land, move in, set up renewable
energy, orchards,
chickens, dairy cows...
What's stopping you?