POST 178 (DAY 185, Thursday, 2021.2.11)
[Evening Entry]
.. so
pdc is in the very near future.. I’m glancing at the big black book of
permaculture in preparation for the onslaught of information.. perhaps it will help build my learning muscles.. upon reading the first few paragraphs, I realize that someone really cares about human harmony with earth and its inhabitants.. including other humans.. and suddenly my stress melts away.. a calm blankets my soul with peace, understanding, and dare I say love..
.. yesterday a definition came to me out of nowhere.. I was pondering the meaning of community.. and it’s importance to well being.. the definition—“family”.. in other words community is family.. aloneness doesn’t really exist in family.. someone is always there.. petty things fall by the wayside when the meaning of community becomes “family”.. at least in that moment, it did.. when that definition randomly popped into my brain, I remembered joy.. like a fond memory from previous.. a memory.. a moment.. a joy..
.. also we finished a shelf today.. and it’s got me suuuuuuper enthused..
Josiah says I’m acting weird.. so that’s a good sign.. I just feel super comfortable in my own skin today..
Enjoy the pics~!!!