POST 181 (DAY 189, Monday, 2021.2.15)
[Evening Entry]
.. today I remember my mother.. a gentle soul, perhaps not yet ready to face those fears that I would face.. not because I’m better than her.. only because she prepared me to be courageous.. she
led by example..
.. she took on a job as an independent sales rep, to
feed her kids, while pops was barely making ends meet, so that she could raise the kids.. pops didn’t like that she made more money than him.. so she quit that job and devoted her faith in his work ethic.. she raised the kids and kept the house very nice.. they would still argue about money.. and that’s okay..
.. once I had a stomach ache, and she made it go away by rubbing my tummy for 20 minutes straight.. I was amazed by her magical powers and the fact that someone could do the same thing for 20 minutes straight!.. I was in junior high.. what a nice thing to do!.. rubbing someone else’s tummy for 20 minutes straight.. i was squirming in pain one minute, then I was happy as a clam, ready to take on the world again!.. I mean who does that for someone??.. and that’s okay..
.. maybe she didn’t know much about money.. she knew how to raise her kids with kindness.. and that’s okay, too.. what a lady..
.. remembering you.. with a vow of silence from sunset to sunrise..
.. I love you..
.. hope you enjoy the pics~!!!