POST 73 (DAY 79, Wednesday, 2020.10.28)
[Morning Entry] ...The Championship Arena...
A THOUGHT: .. anyone can soar in the momentary bliss of winning.. its almost a feeling of
freedom.. hopefully each of us have had a chance to win at something.. perhaps while scoring a goal in a ballgame, or when biking on training wheels suddenly feels limiting, or when that girl says yes to the date, or something mundane like having some alone time in the bathroom before the kids wake up, or something slightly ridiculous like cooking a fried egg that slides (Jen!) and then watching the
video go viral (double-win?!!), or perhaps simply getting out of bed with a sore back and hobbling to the kitchen somehow in one piece--perhaps these are wins too.. from complex to simple, I suppose wins can be found wherever and whenever they are sought out.. What I've learned is that the seeking is a critical part of the game..
It's easy to disregard or ignore the small victories that lead to the bigger victory, and then conclude that there were zero wins up to that bigger win.. but looking back--what about the little guys?.. what about that popped egg yolk that helped me learn what not to do next time, or what to do better?.. this is all just my opinion--those count as wins.. likewise confessing true feelings, in and of itself, is the success, and winning a date is a byproduct.. (where am I going with this?.. I don't know of course, but i'm willing to find out.. shall I arrive at a "point" soon?.. perhaps.. maybe not.. maybe?.. read on if thou darest..)..
It takes a certain resolve to train, through the pain of learning lessons, to get to a place where the raw sting of losing is perceived as a gain and not a loss.. these trials seem to be in series.. each lesson repeating until the method is learned.. Today, I find myself among the finest in the arena [of
permaculture].. how did I make it here?.. What qualifies me to train with these "giants" of the
permaculture world?.. And what's going to pull me through if/when I fall hard?..
Not hyping-up any one person or program--this is just my perspective.. I don't really know how I made it here--but I consider it an honor and a privilege.. While I'm here, in what I consider training, I will "Follow the Leader" to keep up with my current company, until my training wheels can come off.. to me, this means to focus on observing and contributing in like fashion.. simply put, "add value".. and not be distracted by my own old habits, with a willingness to unlearn as well as re-learn.. What's going to pull me through is to cultivate my own willingness to be vulnerable and open to feedback.. A willingness to potentially feel that sting of "losing"--that sting is the unlearning!.. and YES, it hurts a lot sometimes~!..
gotta jet--bootcamp is starting.. to be continued..
[Evening Update]
The ones who get up after a fall.. those are my champions, and I champion them.. I wish to be among the best.. I wish to be my best.. there will be pain, but the gain will be worth it, ten-fold.. being here at WL makes the challenges worthwhile because I've come to understand that one of the culture points here is to support.. Supportiveness was and still is my greatest wish.. If I can receive and offer support, from and to those around me, I believe that is the ultimate victory.. let's go..
enjoy the pics..~~!
ps.. speaking of champions.. check out these two dudes.. (special mention to Penny,
Ash, and Opalyn.. the other theee outside visitors who joined WL for the BB20 event this past week!!!..)
Beau--WHY BB20? "..To Osmose.."
Beau joins us for the BB20 event (Winter of 2020), all the way from Kansas.. He has been on for a while, so he was able to coordinate with Eric (another long-time fellow), to deliver Eric's donation/gifts, which included some awesome vintage hand tools and a beautiful stack of glass panes, just to name a few items.. Beau wanted to
experience an "Opportunity to 'Osmose' WL".. He earned countless
BB's while he was here doing a variety of things, from building fires and woodracks, to cooking breakfast for 8+.. Combining his musical experience with his passion for
permaculture and homesteading, Beau has plans to create an artist's "retreat center" of sorts.. I don't know of the official title for it yet, but I know it's going to be amazing~!!! Thanks for bringing you awesomeness, kindness, and generosity~!.. We will miss you, and sincerely hope you come visit again soon..
Mike--WHY BB20? "..To Learn about running a
PEP event.."
Mike Joins us all the way from Wisconsin-land, to partake in the BB20 event (Winter of 2020).. and he brought us a big 5-lb brick of provolone (which vanished in a day).. A real life santa claus who brought us warm socks and hats from the 2nd hand store--props to your resourcefulness and thoughtfulness, Mike~!.. He also facilitates the operation of a "community gardening" group back at his home, knows how to fell
trees, and cook
apple crumble pies in a
rocket oven.. Mike was always willing to have a genuine heart to heart conversation, and up for a light-humored joke with that infectious smile of his--such a pleasure to be around.. Thank you for your generosity, youthful spirit (even tho your hip was hurting), and leaving us wanting more.. We will miss you and sincerely hope you visit us again soon at WL, Mike~!!!