H Ludi Tyler wrote:
What are the cancer-fighting foods?
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
What are the cancer-fighting foods?
So far, I haven't seen any proof that polyculture food can cure anything, compared with similarly grown organic, in rows, without polyculture.
Avastin is used systemically to slow or stop that process, with pretty good success in colon cancer patients.
OK, here's where it gets interesting. The company who makes Avastin (Genentech), instead of being happy they're doing all this wonderful good, tries to suppress the use of this stuff, in favor of a similar new drug developed specifically for M.D., but at the cost of well over a thousand bucks a shot, or more. They threatened to sue the pharmacists, the pharmacies and the retinal specialists who were doing this.
This is the community of doctors you are accusing of keeping a cure away from patients. It's complete poppycock. If you have ever met and gotten to know an oncologist, most of them would sell their firstborn child to cure cancer. Seriously. No drug company in the world could stop the oncology/doctor community from getting a cheap cure out, if it existed.
http://www.naturalnews.com/032279_Big_Pharma_fraud.html"A case in point: it turns out that only about half of the new prescription medications pushed onto the market over the last decade had the proper data together for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration - yet the FDA approved them anyhow."
"Study books and observe nature. When the two don't agree, throw out the books" -William A Albrecht
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Jeff Mathias wrote:
Hi Ludi,
Also do not overlook medicinal mushrooms
Idle dreamer
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Red Cloud 31 wrote:
The human species is supposed to live at least 140 years, not the 70 or 80 they usually do now ... Living in a polluted world, under constant stress and eating less than optimally, certainly takes its toll.
Emerson White wrote:
I don't think we have that knowledge, based on our heart size and lean body weights it's unlikely that we are built to live past 120. Another animal our size would be able to live that long, but not if it had a brain as big as ours that it used. The candles that burn brightest burn fastest.
Wild Edible & Medicinal Plant classes, & DVDs
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Emerson White wrote:
And no I was not thinking about todays nutrition, I was thinking about human nutrition at every point in human history. It has never been as good as it has in the last 100 years in the west before.
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H Ludi Tyler wrote:
Except Native Americans didn't have their own writings (no written language).![]()
Very old people can live to a very old age. That's certainly true.
Wild Edible & Medicinal Plant classes, & DVDs
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The supposition that somehow the medical community is suppressing a cancer cure is ridiculous.
I think the medical community is not suppressing a cancer cure.
The human species is supposed to live at least 140 years, not the 70 or 80 they usually do now.
It is my impression that the human species is supposed to live at least 140 years, not the 70 or 80 they usually do now.
This is why anecdotes don't make a good basis for beliefs.
I like how this explains how anecdotes might not be a good basis for beliefs.
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barefooter wrote:
Humans got shorter at the dawn of agriculture not because they were growing food in mono cultures, but because they were eating a mostly grain based diet
Idle dreamer
barefooter wrote:
Cancer and heart disease research are both huge frauds, because there will probably never be a cure, but this doesn't prevent them from wasting billions on developing new pills. Money token from unknowing people who donate thinking they're helping. Sure, some may be able to heal from these diseases, but for some a lifetime of exposure to toxic environments, toxic food, stress, lack of sleep, etc. can not be undone.
Paul, I think you may be over estimating the effects of poly cultures on food nutrition. I think you may be onto something, but it seems like it would probably only account for a small percentage of the nutritional value of the food, with the majority coming from the soil quality. Humans got shorter at the dawn of agriculture not because they were growing food in mono cultures, but because they were eating a mostly grain based diet instead of the much more nutritious wild meat, fish, nuts, greens, berries, etc.
Idle dreamer
Emerson White wrote:
Plains people had their own set of problems to deal with. Harsh winters where game was scarce, hunting injuries, etc. Those who survived turned out taller and better fed, but they weren't living in a utopia.
Red Cloud 31 wrote:
Exercise is actually more important than the food we eat, but nutrient dense foods are a big part of this.
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paul wheaton wrote:
you do have to return what you take away, or the soil WILL become depleted.
I dunno.
I think there is some truth to that, and I think that it is possible for the soil to get richer while consuming some and putting nothing back.
I guess the thing I'm really fishing for here is the idea that a carrot grown in a permaculture polyculture can have far more nutrition and flavor than a carrot grown organically in rows. I'm even going so far as to say that if a sick person can replace 80% of their diet with polyculture food then I wonder if this will cure what ails them. Could this be a cure for cancer? Could this cure all sorts of illnesses that have people so heavily medicated now?
If this is crazy talk, I would sure like somebody to help me understand why.
"All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man." Henry David Thoreau
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My Food Forest - Mile elevation. Zone 6a. Southern Idaho <--I moved in year two...unfinished...probably has cattle on it.
I love to Clone Plants and Grow (both plants and myself).
Tyler Ludens wrote:
ontario wrote:
Eating cancer-fighting foods
What are the cancer-fighting foods?
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