jeff Swart wrote:
For croupy type congestion:
- One of granny's remedies was whiskey and honey, plus helped you get to sleep. Dose: about one tablespoon at a time. Oh yeah, and then there were mustard plasters applied to the chest - OUCH! (dunno how the mustard paste was prepared...)
… from my current perspective a worthy alternative may be a CASTOR OIL PACK on the chest
good health and wellbeing to one and all
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Jim Brodie wrote:
Also, gargling with apple cider vinegar (then swallow). Surely the benefits of this stuff are too well known to require elaboration?
Steven Feil wrote:Heat destroys the medicinal properties of garlic, ONLY USE IT FRESH. Probably the same goes for ginger. I actually hate putting heat on ANYTHING medicinal except were absolutely necessary (barks mainly).
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Am Pohlacker wrote:
I was just reading Eating on the Wild Side. Can't remember all the exact details, but the gist is that she says crush garlic and leave for 10 minutes before cooking with it to retain those benefits. Garlic has 2 components that need to combine to awaken all those good properties. If you're eating raw, chewing will do it, so no waiting required.
I haven't had a chance to research this yet, but it's worth looking into.
Kathy Vargo wrote:Yes, I take extra vitamin C, when exposure risk is high like traveling on an airplane. I like a hot toddy- decaf tea with juice of 1/2 lemon, honey to taste and 1oz. whiskey. One or two of those and you are ready to sleep.
But the weird thing is that an hour long sauna seems to stop a respiratory infection cold if you catch it in the scratchy or sore throat phase.
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Cécile Stelzer Johnson wrote:
Kathy Vargo wrote:
And if you can't afford a sauna, a very warm soaking bath will raise the moisture that you breathe in. This really helps with the throat. It also helps you sleep like a baby.
I'm also right with you on the hot toddy. I may add a bit more whiskey, though.
Another option is to use vaporizers where you live and breathe - also helps keep static electricity at bay.
Somewhat off topic, but certainly health related - vaporizing/boiling vinegar outside helps disperse chemtrail (er, uh, geoengineering) fallout in your vicinity !!
Weird Huh!?!? - after hearing an increasing number of positive 'reports from the field' this past year, I've done it several times, evidently with great success. Other reported methods include eliciting assistance from earth elementals (?vinegar spirits?) and simply vocalizing our God-given rights demanding unimpeded access to sunlight... just sayin'
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
David Livingston wrote: Hot lemon juice , honey diluted with Irish whisky oh and going to bed with a book alone
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