Morgan Bowen wrote:
From Logan Utah Pistachios are grown at 4500' elevation without irrigation or any other inputs. These trees were planted by Iranian students in the mid-1970's and have thrived ever since.
Miles Flansburg wrote:Nice! What do you think the limits of their range is? I have property at 7800 feet in Wyoming. Sagebrush and grass to aspen and fur forest. Do you thing they would grow there? Where would I get some starts?
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Ann Torrence wrote:Oh Bill, pick me, pick me! please can I haz some pistachio seeds?
Come join me at - Southern Colorado - Zone 5 (-19*f) - 5300ft elevation - 12in rainfall plus irrigation rights
Dairy cows, "hair" sheep, Kune Kune pigs, chickens, guineas and turkeys
Brian Rumsey wrote:This thread really caught my attention. Home grown pistachios? So tantalizing! To see that they survive winters in Utah gave this Kansan hope, and some further digging revealed a passage in J. Russell Smith's Tree Crops noting that they have been successfully grown just west of Wichita, in the same state where I am.
I would love to someday get ahold of some of the Utah plants/seeds, but in the meantime I am going to try some seeds intended for planting that I purchased on eBay from Turkey. Does anybody have germination tips? I didn't find all that much info online. Some info suggested a damp chill of a few weeks prior to planting. I've currently got a few seeds in warm moist soil, in pots under indoor heat. Also got a few in the fridge. I've got seed from two different sources -- one is bare kernels without the shell, and the other is in kernels. I'm assuming that these might not germinate exactly the same.
Come join me at
Brian Rumsey wrote:Thanks for the feedback, elle -- I've bookmarked your page. I'm excited to hear about your progress since we're in the same boat.
Come join me at
When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
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When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
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When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
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Morgan Bowen wrote:
From Logan Utah Pistachios are grown at 4500' elevation without irrigation or any other inputs. These trees were planted by Iranian students in the mid-1970's and have thrived ever since.
Chris Holcombe wrote:onegreenworld has them:
Edit: I just saw several people have already posted this and you are looking for local sources
Sara Rosenberg wrote:think they would grow in north texas? I'd love it if they did/
New location. Zone 6b, acid soil, 30+ inches of water per year. affiliate
New location. Zone 6b, acid soil, 30+ inches of water per year. affiliate
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