Miles Flansburg wrote:Adrien, so when I quote someone it will copy and paste their whole post in the composition box, then i reply from there?
What if I only want to quote one sentence out of a paragraph? Do I just delete everything but that sentence or is there a way to just quote that sentence?
I see people quoting several different posters or several different sentences in one reply box. How is that done?
Santa Claus wrote:Ho ho ho
Adrien Lapointe wrote: button thread
Miles Flansburg wrote:I see people quoting several different posters or several different sentences in one reply box. How is that done?
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Adrien Lapointe wrote:One very important note is that you need to be logged in to post a new topic or reply to a thread.
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
David Livingston wrote:Laura I find the buttons difficult to find sometimes too . Go into any thread on that forum and click on new topic
Janet Londagin wrote:
David Livingston wrote:Laura I find the buttons difficult to find sometimes too . Go into any thread on that forum and click on new topic
Don't see the button on my phone. I'll look on my laptop another time.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and FarmsĀ -
Adrien Lapointe wrote:
Miles Flansburg wrote:Adrien, so when I quote someone it will copy and paste their whole post in the composition box, then i reply from there?
That's right. The whole post will be in between the quote code.
What if I only want to quote one sentence out of a paragraph? Do I just delete everything but that sentence or is there a way to just quote that sentence?
You can put anything between the quotes. So yes, you can delete the parts you don't want.
I see people quoting several different posters or several different sentences in one reply box. How is that done?
This is an example!
Santa Claus wrote:Ho ho ho
Below is the code for this post.
[code=css]Miles Flansburg wrote:Adrien,
Not Miles, just an example, using Miles' post
Jane, ceo permagreengro, wrote :
Jane Johnson wrote:[Ha Haha Cosmic Laughter]
Just for a bit of fun...
To user. First....
Find User
'I am the Alpha and the Omega'
(famous first/last words)
Or in 'contemporary' English 'I am the A to Z'
So, User 'First', 'Last',
Before anything else, Time was established
Time needed to happen for Space to happen IN.
Thereafter, once Consciousness had awoken,
Then and Now became the A and Z Timeline of the First Dimension (Line AZ)
From which, as soon as awareness of that happens (Almost simultaneously) the Point of Power or of Observation perceives AZ (one, two) so becoming B, Beta (three).
B or Beta is also aware of Then and Now in terms of perspective, (was, is and shall be, where IS is Intersection of Observation upon Timeline AZ)
(Hence ISIS )
Thus an infinitely extending cross is established with unending axes or arms A, Z, (Alpha, Omega) and B, T (Before, Then) with the point of Intersection, where they cross, being ION Intersection Observation Now
Which brings us nicely on to the first ION + o r
Positively Charged Particle
Time + Space = Matter or Mater ial. World
Did i say Matter, Mater? Er, Mummy?
What does it matter?
(I, you, We) Begin (become aware) in Mater,
Mater is Matter (stuff, whirled, and sky, firmament)
Heaven and Earth
(Are Full Of Thy Glory)
Matter, Flesh is Birthed, breath-ed breathed... (Positive IONs)
And begins
Living (conscious)
Perm -a- Culture
Love from PermaGreenGro (Google it)
Jane, ceo
Interested in prospect of wwoofers coming to in summer to work on land/ building cob/ strawbale/ bamboo etc structures (600 sq metres, 0.6 hectare)
rocket stove in garden to fire earth-kiln for raku - also as bread oven! have potters kick-wheel. Build water feature, establish veg beds - and raised beds email me yr experience
Thought-dweller and dreamer. Animal lover. Enthusiast about everything.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:Sometimes a member only has a few days to make "Edits".
Thought-dweller and dreamer. Animal lover. Enthusiast about everything.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
CLUCK LIKE A CHICKEN! Now look at this tiny ad:
Learn Permaculture through a little hard work