My chokecherries are late this year. So is everything, what a weird year. Anyways, I usually can the syrup. That involves steam juicing them (they are too small to pit) then adding
honey to make a light syrup. I admit, I usually don't use a recipe for this, but this recipe for peaches gives directions for making a light syrup with honey instead of sugar: I use 4 cups of juice to 1 cup of honey. Once boiled, I'll ladle it into jars for
water bathing.
Then I fill sanitized jars to 1/4 inch headspace, top with a sterilized lid and water bath it for 50 minutes at my altitude! All 6 quarts sealed nicely, and after labeling them, they go downstairs for cold storage. They won't last long at my house, though! With 6 kids, and lots of
sourdough pancakes, we sure go through all of it.