My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:Anybody watched it?
You should never forget that every creature has its purpose in the cycle of nature and can also be very important to humans. Sepp Holzer's Permaculture
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Becky Carver wrote:I would like the movie, free heat.
How does it come to me? I can't stream😕
?/?Andrés Bernal wrote:
Becky Carver wrote:I would like the movie, free heat.
How does it come to me? I can't stream😕
We are working on a physical dvd option, it will be up soon! The movie is also available as a download.
Gilly Burke wrote:I'm confused, I cant stream this either.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Gilly Burke wrote:I'm confused, I cant stream this either.
Maybe you were not logged in before, but now you are logged in and can see it?
Gilly Burke wrote:I now realise it is doing it for all the videos, including the recent kickstarter ones.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Gilly Burke wrote:I now realise it is doing it for all the videos, including the recent kickstarter ones.
I remember somebody once had that problem. It turned out that some sort of fancy security on the browser was the issue. Are you running some fancy security?
Gilly Burke wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
Gilly Burke wrote:I now realise it is doing it for all the videos, including the recent kickstarter ones.
I remember somebody once had that problem. It turned out that some sort of fancy security on the browser was the issue. Are you running some fancy security?
Not knowingly. Just Brave browser on a Macbook Air. Maybe there are some fancy whatsits inherent in either/both?
In any event, have just tried Firefox browser - seems to work. Fingers crossed! Will update tomorrow or so when have more time to check out check out in case of use to others
Gilly Burke wrote:
Yep. Just checked a variety of videos, Firefox works every time! So seems Brave browser not compatible here.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Perfect The Dwelling Land
M Miles wrote:I would love to see this. Is there no way I can buy it from Australia?? Page says digital items only sell to US
paul wheaton wrote:Anybody watched it?
Lynne Tognoni Keating wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:Anybody watched it?
--> I happened to reference the link in the "Free Heat" movie... oops, that takes you to Wabash Woodstoves, "the Southeaset U. S. Distributor for Heatmor Stainless Steel Outdoor Wood Furnaces."
--> So I dropped the hyphen and tried; this does forward to a permies site: Yay!
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Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
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