A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
, these were typically men, bachelors or just single
Would anyone else want to be a Hermit if they could?
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Many hands make light work.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Idle dreamer
Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
“All good things are wild, and free.” Henry David Thoreau
raven ranson wrote:Adults used to get so upset when I said "I want to be a Hermit when I grow up".
I still do.
The problem is, finding the cash to fund this lifestyle. I would want to own the land I live on which requires money for taxes and money for fixing that home (because I haven't the skills to fix it)
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog : www.kaufarmer.blogspot.com
Travis Johnson wrote:
raven ranson wrote:Adults used to get so upset when I said "I want to be a Hermit when I grow up".
I still do.
The problem is, finding the cash to fund this lifestyle. I would want to own the land I live on which requires money for taxes and money for fixing that home (because I haven't the skills to fix it)
Raven I say the following respectfully, and not in argument at all. It is hard to tell from the written word sometimes "tone", and I wanted to be sure you knew I was just explaining how the "system" worked here, and in no way being argumentative.
Here, the way of the Hermit was to squat upon a landowner. This was NOT a bad thing. My deeds are filled with provisions for this. They did not own the land, they just had life-long rights to live in their shacks so even if my Great Grandfather died unexpectedly for example, the Hermit had a home. I bet on my deeds I have 6 or 7 hermits with these rights. These were legal binding rights, no different then a right of way. The only real pain is when a deed has this provision, sometimes in a sale or buy situation, a death certificate has to be tracked down to show with the person's death, the provision is no longer binding in the will.
Deeds deserves it own thread. My word, I am 9th generation here so some of my deeds go back to before the USA was the USA (1746), so things get wacky. I have a friend at the Registry of Deeds and more then once she has read an old deed and said, "I have never seen that before." That is why Title Searches only go back 100 years!
As a kid in the 1970's (I mean my name Travis just screams 1970 anyway), a lot of these hermit houses were occupied. Only a few now are still standing due to neglect and snow loads.
private privacy wrote:Why did Maine go after Oresa?
Did she skip on taxes or was there junk buildup or something, that caused neighbors to complain -- what was the trigger? You got to get on the radar for them go after you.
private privacy wrote:The idea of having a hermit on the deed would, honestly, scare me, even though I'm a hermit and loner myself. First off, I'd be afraid of lawsuits if something goes wrong with the hermit or because of them. Seems like this is legal gray area: can landowner be liable for something related to squatter, especially deeded one? With crazy lawsuits that I see happening, I'd say this is a real possibility.
Examine your lifestyle, multiply it by 7.7 billion other ego-monkeys with similar desires and query whether that global impact is conscionable.
seeking mutualism, discovering trees
"Where will you drive your own picket stake? Where will you choose to make your stand? Give me a threshold, a specific point at which you will finally stop running, at which you will finally fight back." (Derrick Jensen)
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little" - Edmund Burke
"Pelo menos uma vez na vida precisamos de um advogado, um médico, um arquiteto, mas 3 vezes por dia precisamos de um agricultor."
….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
14ac Central California foothills, up for collaboration in Central CA
So it goes - Vonnegut
Learn Permaculture through a little hard work