Here’s my experience with gophers.
A decade ago, when I first started to grow veggies on this land we are now, I read about them quite a bit, and thought: “oh, I’ll just plant more so they have some and I’ll get some”. There were some suggestions on the internet that hinted to that, and I liked the idea of living in harmony with nature.
The first year was bad, I only got very little of what I planted, the next year, I planted a lot more, and got even less. I was doing farmers market, CSA, and for our own consumption.
I tried traps, the kind that are small, all metal and you bury them in the tunnels and cover with dirt, they are so small, gophers ran away with them. I tried pushing
CO2 down the tunnels, they say it’s heavier than air, it sinks down the tunnel and they suffocate. I considered dogs, ferrets, and other things that were not suitable for my situation.
I paid $1500 for a contraption that injects oxygen and propane down the tunnels and then ignites it, supposedly exploding and collapsing the tunnels, killing the gophers in the process. Have to admit, never actually had the guts to try it, after I heard from a neighboor that used one in the summer, and set the whole field on fire, having to call the firefighters to put it out.
It got so bad, I lost most of the crops I invested hundreds of dollars in seeds for and countless of hours of work. I gave up the garden alltogether for a couple years. They, the gophers, seemed to have won.
But I really wanted to grow vegetables, if not for market at least for us. So, I started again, with a small area in my big garden, and I figured it will be my experiment. Three years later, I am no longer afraid of them.
I am using traps, the kind that you place in tunnels, but you don’t have to bury the whole thing, there is a metal part that you can see, no need to unearth the whole thing to see if they are tripped.
Works like a charm.
I do need to stay on top of it tho. When the season starts, I set them and check them every morning, and move the traps if nothing happened in two days or so.
When I do get gophers in traps, I give them to Lily, one of my dogs, she likes to eat them, so that counts as a stacking function for me.
Here are some pictures, and I’d be happy to give more details, if you or anyone wants to give this method a try.
Ps: I’ve never considered poisons. They are what the word says.