“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Be Content. And work for more time, not money. Money is inconsequential.
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog : www.kaufarmer.blogspot.com
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Jill of all and Misses of Targets -JMH
Joyce Harris wrote:
Or/and you might want to get to know you neighbours, the people who lock their dogs up.
They may be naive about now to care for dogs, and may benefit from some tips.
They may have a mental illness or other challenges that distract them from following through on daily functionality with walking or caring, so it may not be their intention to be harmful, or neglectful.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." ~ Paulo Coelho
Spero Meliora
Just my 2 cents...
Money may not make people happy but it will get you all the warm fuzzy puppies you can cuddle and that makes most people happy.
Su Ba wrote:
An answer that won’t work for you but it did for me…..I got a donkey who hated loose dogs. She has killed several over the years. . They are always hunting dogs going after my sheep. The donkey runs them down and kills them. Sounds brutal, but pre-donkey I had dozens of sheep maimed and killed by hunting dogs. Plus two horses killed by those dogs too.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Heather Sharpe wrote:I'm really at a loss here and hoping someone has a solution or at least some helpful perspective. Our neighbors are not responsible to or for their animals. Their two dogs, who are very active by nature, are kept penned up in a small kennel 24/7. They don't walk them or let them out. They bark endlessly at passers by on the public foot path next to the house. I don't mind the noise, more the reminder that these poor dogs are being neglected and unable to exercise and play like they need to. Naturally, the dogs escape every chance they get, which is increasingly often, multiple times a week. We have caught and returned their dogs more times than I can count, often at times and in situations that were very inconvenient for us. Other neighbors have done the same. One of the dog's has been injured from her hijinks. Their people seem not to care or make any real effort to give the dogs what they need to stop escaping. Frankly, I feel like I'm betraying the dogs by taking them back when I catch them in my yard, but don't know what else to do.
I am becoming concerned too because these dogs have a serious drive to chase things and I fear they will start harassing our chickens. The birds are in a cattle panel high tunnel, covered with hardware cloth. So it's unlikely the dogs could actually get to them, but I fear they're wound up enough to try and either way, it would certainly stress the chickens. We would like to eventually have a fenced area the chickens could go into while we are outside with them, but with these dogs (and their cats, too) loose, I fear we will never be able to do that safely.
I really don't know what to do. Talking to these people seems useless and possibly dangerous. We tried that with their cats that constantly wander over here and immensely stress out our cat and kill wild birds. I worry about them hurting the chickens too. They started yelling at us and said that if I asked them to control their animals anymore or called animal control, they would retaliate in some fashion. I really don't know how to deal with that kind of behavior. But I know I don't like just letting them cross all my boundaries either.
We don't have the ability to build a fence around the whole property right now, as we have many projects we need to be working on. Even if we could, I don't know that it would help, as these dogs are pro fence jumpers and diggers. It would have to be six feet or more to even stand a chance, and that height is not permitted on the side facing the road, which is right across from the dogs' house. Not much point making a fence if they can jump the most accessible portion.
We have to find a way to keep our chickens safe and be able to give them the extra space they deserve. Some way to help these dogs have a better life too would be ideal. If anyone has suggestions about how to handle this, I would be most appreciative.
Lynn Cheshski wrote:Oh and I assume you already called the sheriff due to threats. You said they threatened you with retaliation if you had called animal control. That's some serious stuff. It will be your words against theirs if something happens down the road. I'd go to the sheriff's office and make a report. They need to know what's going on. I had to involve sheriff in the past and haven't heard from the offenders ever since. Unless you're in a kind of place where you're the outsider and everyone else is related (to the sheriff too, lol)
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
Heather Sharpe wrote:
Lynn Cheshski wrote:Oh and I assume you already called the sheriff due to threats. You said they threatened you with retaliation if you had called animal control. That's some serious stuff. It will be your words against theirs if something happens down the road. I'd go to the sheriff's office and make a report. They need to know what's going on. I had to involve sheriff in the past and haven't heard from the offenders ever since. Unless you're in a kind of place where you're the outsider and everyone else is related (to the sheriff too, lol)
Yes, I did talk to our town marshal with the specific intent of getting the threatening behavior on record. He seemed unconcerned, I don't know if he filed a report or anything. Maybe I need to talk to the city police instead? It seems like now they've begun trespassing on my land themselves. Or at least letting their drunk friends do so, as I found several red solo cups on the ground 15 feet from my front door this morning. Given that these people have threatened to hurt me if I ever ask them to respect my space or try to hold them accountable for anything, I really don't know what to do. It seems like the police either don't take it seriously or want to put the burden on me to stay up all night so I can catch these unstable people hanging out in my yard in the wee hours of the night. Frankly, I'm also afraid if the police were to talk to them, that would be dangerous for me. I really just don't know what to do.
I feel like a fence of some kind, or at least gates and no trespassing signs are needed. Though I don't know if they'd really stop people like this or change the situation much.
Andrew Mayflower wrote:
Heather Sharpe wrote:
Lynn Cheshski wrote:Oh and I assume you already called the sheriff due to threats. You said they threatened you with retaliation if you had called animal control. That's some serious stuff. It will be your words against theirs if something happens down the road. I'd go to the sheriff's office and make a report. They need to know what's going on. I had to involve sheriff in the past and haven't heard from the offenders ever since. Unless you're in a kind of place where you're the outsider and everyone else is related (to the sheriff too, lol)
Yes, I did talk to our town marshal with the specific intent of getting the threatening behavior on record. He seemed unconcerned, I don't know if he filed a report or anything. Maybe I need to talk to the city police instead? It seems like now they've begun trespassing on my land themselves. Or at least letting their drunk friends do so, as I found several red solo cups on the ground 15 feet from my front door this morning. Given that these people have threatened to hurt me if I ever ask them to respect my space or try to hold them accountable for anything, I really don't know what to do. It seems like the police either don't take it seriously or want to put the burden on me to stay up all night so I can catch these unstable people hanging out in my yard in the wee hours of the night. Frankly, I'm also afraid if the police were to talk to them, that would be dangerous for me. I really just don't know what to do.
I feel like a fence of some kind, or at least gates and no trespassing signs are needed. Though I don't know if they'd really stop people like this or change the situation much.
No trespassing signs, and game trail/security cameras. Best if the cameras transmit the images/videos rather than storing them on the device. That way if they destroy the camera you have the data still. Then prosecute (after any degree of warning you feel appropriate) any violators. If anyone destroys your property (including but not limited to the cameras, your chickens, and your home/cars) file charges of malicious mischief, animal cruelty, etc as appropriate and without any warnings. Note that some of those are felonies, and can have serious lifetime repercussions to the charged, so that should be an effective Clue-by-4 upside their head. If you aren't a gun owner, consider becoming one. Learn how to use it, and what does (and, probably more importantly, does not) constitute legal self-defense.
Document ALL interactions with them. Especially threats. Voice and or video recording is ideal, but a written note on the event is better than nothing.
That or move. It would be nice if the idiots next door would move, but you can't force them to do so.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Lynn Cheshski wrote:
D Nikolls wrote:
Cats are different.. I would have laughed at someone if they had asked me to fence in my cat, and taken horrible disproportionate vengeance if they hurt or catnapped him... Containing a cat outdoors in a way that allows them to do their job (rodent control) is impossible, imo. Anything a cat can hurt, a mink or coon can kill quicker.. so protection is required anyhow..
My neighbours cat was a bully, but he didn't come into the core area to hassle my cat after I repeatedly chased him with a cordless skillsaw... I made sure my neighbours knew that I was scaring him off but wouldn't harm him, but my neighbours are not like yours..!
Unfortunately some won't ask you to contain your cat...there're people who killed thousands of cats each, on their properties. I had run into them. Cat is indoor animal at this point and should be kept indoors. If not the neighbors, wildlife or loose dogs will get the cat eventually (or it will get run over). Sick of hearing all these rural home owners telling me how all their cats disappeared over the years. They sound so clueless and innocent when they tell you that, but they know where those cats went, were killed, and they are the one complicit in their killings as they failed to provide care and confine their cats. Cats belong indoors.
D Nikolls wrote:Cameras, like Now!
No personal experience, but something along the lines of simplisafe might suit you, if their products perform as claimed.. Standard gamecams have been pretty unreliable in my experience for a wide variety of reasons.
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." ~ Paulo Coelho
That said, I have to clarify with our town marshal, but after speaking with a cop we saw out on patrol, they didn't seem certain that video of someone trespassing would be enough to arrest someone for criminal trespass. I've read the state law, which didn't make that clear either. It sounded like you have to catch and physically confront them for anything to be done.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
D Nikolls wrote:
Cats are different.. I would have laughed at someone if they had asked me to fence in my cat, and taken horrible disproportionate vengeance if they hurt or catnapped him... Containing a cat outdoors in a way that allows them to do their job (rodent control) is impossible, imo. Anything a cat can hurt, a mink or coon can kill quicker.. so protection is required anyhow..
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