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Tomorrow's another day...
Nicole Alderman wrote:I recently noticed that my gums are receding.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:My update--I have the hole in my tooth still, but it's been steady state for a year plus now. Once or twice at some point a small chip did come off other teeth (front teeth--the one with the hole is the rearmost molar) when I poked them with a toothpick too hard, which indicates I still have some remineralization to do. At some point there had been an additional tiny chip that came out of the hole, which I knew only because the gum hurt more from stuff pressing on it when I chewed, signifying something had become more exposed. But overall not much of a problem.
I do have to pick stuff out of it.
I'm satisfied that it makes sense to wait and see what regrowth treatments become available. I'm not in a hurry.
I'm glad I didn't go for the root canal, or the crown. It just gives me the willies. And I'm so glad for all I've learned about healing small cavities, and just how mutable teeth really are.
I clearly have some stuff to rebalance about my gut biome, tummy aches and such, and this can affect mouth biome too. Not sure what to do--I do eat plenty of yogurt, home-made kefir, and pretty frequent sauerkraut. Maybe I should do daily inulin (chicory root seems viable, I like adding a little to yogurt, and since it's dried it is easier to store than sunchoke roots). Inulin is a 'prebiotic" that supplies bacteria that feed on it, whereas the human enzymes themselves don't digest it. I have no specific knowledge that this is connected to teeth in particular, it's just another line of thought that seems likely to have some connection.
It's possible that I could rebuild the tooth with the comfrey/calcium thing if I did it longer, I'm not ruling that out. There may be other factors that I didn't address. I may need still more silica than the horsetail regimens I did gave me.
There are accounts of people regrowing a tooth from scratch on some of the comments on some of these youtube videos--the comfrey one I believe.
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John Suavecito wrote:When I go to the dentist, They always seem to be grinding down my teeth. It hurts during and for awhile afterwards. Then I do my horsetail with hummus and it starts to heal again, so after awhile it doesn't hurt anymore...... until I go visit the dentist again. Hmmmm.
John S
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
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Angelika Maier wrote:I don't know about xylitol, I would be careful with these things!
Blazing trails in disabled homesteading
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The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
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Leslie Russell wrote:Does anyone know a natural remedy for receding gums?
You are what you eat.
John Suavecito wrote:...The only food to find lots of vitamin k2 according to many sources is natto, fermented soybeans.
Blazing trails in disabled homesteading
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Blazing trails in disabled homesteading
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Blazing trails in disabled homesteading
Leslie Russell wrote:Does anyone know a natural remedy for receding gums?
Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:Yes, swish with comfrey ROOT tea (or just grind up a fresh root and add a little bit of water) for 20" daily and spit it out--try to get the little bits out of your mouth too since it's hard on liver. And grind up an organic chicken egg shell daily, in banana smoothy is a good idea because the banana will suspend the bits of shell in the water, and eat daily. That's from I think,
Matthew Nistico
@Becky Proske - Excellent post! I award an apple : ) I appreciate how you've followed up each of your ideas with enough detailed instructions so that someone could recreate your own efforts for themselves. And that you explained the reasoning behind why you think each of your ideas was worth trying in the first place. Very thorough and well considered. I will have to try your herbal tea mouthwash for myself, as soon as I can get my hands on the fresh herbs!
Becky Proske wrote:
I recently came across the idea of putting egg shells in with lacto-fermented veggies to harness the calcium through the brine. This makes sense to me, since it would likely be a more bio-available form of calcium. An interesting idea for those of us who don't always have good access to fresh raw dairy in their diet. Will have to experiment with this one.
Leslie Russell wrote:Does anyone know a natural remedy for receding gums?
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Thekla McDaniels wrote:
Leslie Russell wrote:Does anyone know a natural remedy for receding gums?
An oral irrigator might be something to investigate. A water jet to direct to the border between tooth and gum. I use warm water and decent pressure. The water clears out most anything under the gum in those pockets they love to probe. The pressure and heat are like a stimulating massage, which may increase circulation .
I use a product from these people with good results…. No periodontal disease, gums not receding, but who’s to say I would be in the same condition without the ~15 years of use.
You can put it in the water supply before the shower head, or just at the end of the tap next to the aerator. Control temperature and pressure with your tap, and the inherent diverter valve.
I have no idea if there are similar products. What I like about this is that I don’t run out of water, and can select the pressure.
Take a look, see what you think.
Blazing trails in disabled homesteading
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