The last photo above, shows an attempt to solve the problems I been having in my region with
Fukuoka's Clay balls....
The problem is that the Clay dries out and the tree seeds in the Clay do not sprout... Some years when we have consistent rains in late winter and spring, the method works and trees sprout and grow.
But for years like last year, when we did not get enough rain and cold, the Clay cubes did not work...
Seeds like plums and wild pear, placed in the ground sprout and grow even in difficult years... So I am making adjustments to see if the Clay cubes can mimick the properties of the ground.
Conventional seed ball production as taught by the great Masanobu Fukuoka, San, Jim Bones, Panos Manikis and others, involves mixing fine Clay, seaved manure or
compost... seeds and water are added to the mix to create seed balls or whatever other shape is desired. The seeds are mixed in before water is added... Binding agents like
straw or wool are sometimes added. There are many videos
online that show this being done.
The problem as stated above, is that seeds grow when placed in the ground, but dry out in my Clay seed balls or Clay cubes... This happens in my dry Mediterranean climate in difficult years....
To try to get around this problem, I made a batch of Clay cubes with the following properties....
5 to 7.5 cm square and about 2.5 cm height (large cubes)....
5 parts Clay 5 parts manure 2 parts alfalfa straw, by volume.. the straw is cut to about 2 cm....
The seeds rather than mixed in, are placed at the bottom of the forms... see the photo...
In the Clay manure straw water mix, seeds like alfalfa and red clover were added to help shade the young trees as they grow...
Wild pears, plums and tree medick seeds were used in these Clay cubes...
Placing seeds at the bottom of large Clay cubes will be like putting them in the ground... The soil in the middle of the cube will maintain it's moisture and allow the seeds to sprout and grow... Or so I hope.
If they do not sprout and grow it's because of my design.
I am hoping for the best. Clay seed balls/cubes hold the key to reforestation and maybe our survival...
Nothing is easy, and it may take several iterations before a correct design is found... If there is one!!!