www.keelayogafarm.com is a website about out homestead in Portugal.
My Food Forest - Mile elevation. Zone 6a. Southern Idaho <--I moved in year two...unfinished...probably has cattle on it.
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog : www.kaufarmer.blogspot.com
Sometimes the answer is nothing
Permaculture...picking the lock back to Eden since 1978.
Pics of my Forest Garden
Hardiness Zone 6 Save the bees.
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog : www.kaufarmer.blogspot.com
"The rule of no realm is mine. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, these are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything that passes through this night can still grow fairer or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I too am a steward. Did you not know?" Gandolf
Marco Banks wrote:
The OP mentions that forests do not fertilize, yet they are green and lush and fertile. Yes and no. In an old-growth forest, the trees may live 500 to 1500 years old. Think about that ---- a beech tree or a redwood that lives for over 1000 years. And in all that time, how many trees will replace it? One. But there are hundreds of plants that struggle and die in that same forest. They never really thrive due to a lack of sunlight and fertility.
One mature tree eventually dies and one tree takes its place in the mature forest. Hundreds of millions of seeds will come off that tree during its 1000 year lifespan, yet only one will ultimately replace it. Millions of those seeds will sprout and die. Thousands of those seeds will grow for a while before eventually dying. Only one seed (on average) will mature to the size of the massive old tree it is replacing.
So how much fertility is necessary for that kind of system? Ultimately, the mother tree most likely supplies the nutrition to the baby trees surrounding her, and ultimately one of those baby trees will replace her. She will rot into the soil (perhaps thousands of tons of biomass slowly decomposing both above and below the soil). That is all the fertility the replacement tree will need for the rest of its life.
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
We really don't know how much we don't know.
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere - Voltaire. tiny ad:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)