My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Lazlo Rose wrote:One small tweak would be appreciated. When not logged in, on threads with multiple pages, would you consider either an endless/infinite scroll or maybe just repeat the pages numbers at the bottom.
If I am reading the first page of a multi-page thread, I get to the bottom of the page and have to scroll to the top of the page to get to page 2.
FYI - I just noticed page numbers are at the bottom when I am logged in, so this must only apply when you are not logged in.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Lazlo Rose wrote:One small tweak would be appreciated. When not logged in, on threads with multiple pages, would you consider either an endless/infinite scroll or maybe just repeat the pages numbers at the bottom.
If I am reading the first page of a multi-page thread, I get to the bottom of the page and have to scroll to the top of the page to get to page 2.
FYI - I just noticed page numbers are at the bottom when I am logged in, so this must only apply when you are not logged in.
Oh! right!
I think that for non-logged in users, it should be at the bottom of each of the pages.
Logged in users get top and bottom. But it seems for non-logged in users, it should be just the bottom.
paul wheaton wrote:Olof: kinda hoping to see the overalls get back in. And then maybe we can do the home page overhaul.
As for the forums overhaul: I'm open to it - but the look and feel would need to work for coderanch too. And, I have to confess, the browns theme has really gotten to feel like "home" to me.
paul wheaton wrote: I have to confess, the browns theme has really gotten to feel like "home" to me.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Lazlo Rose wrote:One other quick idea...
When you are not logged in reading posts, and you see a thread you want to reply to... hitting reply does nothing, so you need to log in. After you log in, it takes you to the homepage, so you then have to find the post all over again. I know the workarounds to make it slightly less annoying, but I imagine this is frustrating usability for most users to the point you miss out on post replies.
I think you can put a small bit of code on the login link that passes the original page url to the login page, and then the login page can redirect you back to the original page after successful login. I have seen the original page url passed in the query string.
Jason Silberschneider wrote:I've started dipping my toes in the ski lodge to get used to using the new view, as it seems inevitable. One thing I've noticed is that in "Profile for Jason Silberschneider» Messages posted by Jason Silberschneider " the posts are hyperlinked, but I can't select the hyperlinks to go to those posts.
I'm not sure if this is a known bug, or that being able to select hyperlinks in my profile is now considered a "value added" feature that may require parting with cash to access.
Lazlo Rose wrote:One other quick idea...
When you are not logged in reading posts, and you see a thread you want to reply to... hitting reply does nothing, so you need to log in. After you log in, it takes you to the homepage, so you then have to find the post all over again. I know the workarounds to make it slightly less annoying, but I imagine this is frustrating usability for most users to the point you miss out on post replies.
I think you can put a small bit of code on the login link that passes the original page url to the login page, and then the login page can redirect you back to the original page after successful login. I have seen the original page url passed in the query string.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:
Yes! this happens to me all the time....I think I'm just going to take a peek so I don't log in and then I decide I'd like to give a thumbs up or reply so I log in and am sent to the forums page. I can find the thread again in my 'history' although even then it doesn't take me back to that particular post that I was interested in.
I notice that it happens in both views. I think for new users especially it might be frustrating when they haven't understood how to navigate the site yet.
Jason Silberschneider wrote:Cassie: When I had this problem, I followed the instructions up the top, namely - "Note: You are currently viewing our new look. If you have any feedback or want to report any issues then please create a new topic in this forum. You can also switch back to the old view. "
The hyperlink there creates a new topic in Tinkering with this Site. Would it possible for that hyperlink to create a new post in this thread to keep everything tidy?
I noticed right away that in the recent posts list, there is no listing of the person who made the thread, or the person to last respond with an answer, as was on the original site. Sometimes, I tend to click on something because I enjoy a specific person's take on things, and find that I learn a lot from this particular person in general. I might be more apt to connect with more posts if I knew that it was started by someone, or responded to by someone who I follow a bit.
Matu Collins wrote:I miss having the date at the top of each thread. I just read a "similar thread" and all it said was "six years ago" and a more recent thread said "twelve hours ago" The normal view has date and time.
Nicole Alderman wrote:I just noticed that the new forum design does not show us when people joined when I'm reading through a thread. I really enjoyed seeing this information as I read, as I could see when someone was a newby and should be welcomed/given lots of help....
Nicole Alderman wrote:As there are so many various little hidden features, I think we're really going to need a "How to use this site" sticky thread
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Sherri Lynn wrote:An idea I would love to see:
Wouldn't it be cool if you could somehow flag creative recycling ideas (also called upcycling) so if one wanted to feed their brain, they could go through them all from one to another no matter what topic they were in. . .
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What is a Mother Tree ?
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Sam Boisseau wrote:A couple comments on the new forum theme:
- It's hard on my eyes to read black text on brown back ground, specifically the buttons in the left column
- When I want to navigate to a specific forum, I click on a button (e.g. "growies") in the left column, then have to move my mouse all the way to the right side of the screen to go to e.g. the hugelkultur forum. That's quite a bit of friction in the navigation.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:The new Permies became unusable for me when my browser updated to: FireFox 45.0. (Or perhaps a change on the site coincided with the upgrade).
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What is a Mother Tree ?
Burra Maluca wrote:This is the third day I've been having problems, and I've finally given up and switched to chrome. When did your problems start, Joseph?
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
Burra Maluca wrote:This is the third day I've been having problems, and I've finally given up and switched to chrome. When did your problems start, Joseph?
I've been busy farming the past few days, so wasn't on Permies much. I first noticed the slowness on the 11th. I don't remember if that was before or after the browser upgrade... New Permies seems to be the only site behaving slowly.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
My goal? To create a wildlife habitat on our surburban (almost rural) property using mostly California native plants and inspire others to do the same.
Also to learn how to grow some edibles - more than the herbs I have grown before.
Susan Taylor Brown wrote:Not sure if this is the right forum for this and if not, please move it wherever it belongs.
A tiny suggestion. I would love the actual date on the forum posts rather than 2 weeks or 5 months ago. (Perhaps this has been asked and answered in the past and if so, I apologize.) I read posts where people say, "I just put out the XYZ" or "every year about this time I ..." But without a month in there I have no idea what that might mean.
I am loving this site though and each visit I feel like I learn something more.
You know it is dark times when the trees riot. I think this tiny ad is their leader:
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