I did make the dough from a mix not from scratch but it wasn't a frozen base.
We have gluten free peeps and I didn't have everything to make some crazy rice flour mixture but I did have bobs red mill gluten free crust mix.
I made the crusts and let my kids and family dress their pies!
Mine had sausage pepperoni olives green pepper mushrooms ham bacon and cheese lots and lots of cheese!
Mix bag
Mixing is more challenging with no gluten to structure
For last nights pizza I followed the recipe here (https://www.kcet.org/shows/americas-test-kitchen-from-cooks-illustrated/recipe-one-hour-pizza) for the dough. I couldn't find semolina flour and tried corn meal. It worked out ok but I'll have to keep tweaking. I had to add extra liquid to get it to a workable state.
For the sauce I used some I canned earlier this summer.
I think the pizza turned out well, I will try again.
I was gonna make pizza for lunch and saw this thread pop up, sooooo....
First you gotta make some flour.
Then you gotta smash out the dough.
Then you gotta dust the pan with corn meal. You gotta. It makes it taste better and not stick.
Was canning tomatoes, so took the last little bit of tomato puree and added some random Italian-ey sounding spices and some corn starch to thicken it a little real quick.
The secret ingredient is Sriracha sauce. Not enough to tell what it is, but enough to know something's there.
I like my toppings what I call "sous le fromage"
Not to brag (well, maybe a little) but this rocket oven/grill/griddle/stove/"whatever else you wanna make it" makes the best pizzas.
You gotta crisp the bottom. You gotta. It tastes good, and it provides structural integrity so your slice doesn't take a nose-dive and dump your toppings in your lap.
You just gotta have some homemade wine with some homemade pizza. It just makes sense.
Tonight was pizza night. I made my husband's favorite, pepperoni and black olives.
My crust recipe is my basic bread recipe, memorized so long ago that I don't remember where it came from.
Ready to mix the crust.
1.5 teaspoons baking yeast
1 cup whey (because I have a lot of whey from cheesemaking)
1 tablespoon honey
3 cups unbleached white flour
1.5 teaspoons salt
and my secret ingredient, a gravy ladle of the olive oil I store my feta cheese in, seasoned with fresh rosemary, thyme, and oregano.
Feta in herbed olive oil (makes a yummy crust).
After the dough is mixed, kneaded, and is rising, I assemble the rest of the ingredients.