I cleaned a floor covering article by the means described. My son and I both have dust allergies. I perform this process on anything that collects a lot of dust and can be beat. Other items I shake out.
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- clean an area rug
- take rug outside and beat it
- let rug sit in the sun for at least two hours to kill dust mites and other nasties
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
- a before picture of the area rug
(Picture 1)
- an action shot of you beating the rug
(Picture 2)
- an after picture of the rug after at least 2 hours in the sunlight
(Picture 3 and 4 show elapsed time)
- a description of any additional procedures in cleaning the area rug
("Just beat it!")
1) Before picture of the article
2) Action shot of me beating the rug. Cue the Michael Jackson... "Just beat it!"
3) Start the timer (11:11 am)
4) Still going (2:06 pm - total elapsed time 2 hours and 55 minutes). I like to flip them and beat them again on the other side.