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(b) Roof Height of 2.5 to 4.5 m:
There are two methods:
(i) The position of the bottom end of the prop on the floor corresponding to the place in the roof to be supported is marked by a plumb bob suspended by a bamboo. The prop is held upright by 2 or 3 timber helpers. The timber man standing on a high stool or a ladder places the lid and a wedge is hammered on a position.
(ii) The above method requires a stool or a ladder to be carried from place to place for prop erection. The more convenient method is- a lid is attached to the prop by nails and a hole is made nearly 25mm deep in the floor where the bottom end of the prop is to remain after erection. The prop, laid on the floor with the bottom end in the hole, is made upright, the hole preventing the prop from slipping.
The prop is held in position by timber helpers’ and one timber helper levers up its bottom end by a crowbar bringing the lid in contact with the roof. A wedge is then hammered between the prop and the floor to tighten the lid against the roof.
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Liv Smith wrote:For all those that still need an answer to the old question: "how to prevent wood posts from rotting without using bad substances?', here is an answer from Paul, in the form of a cute video. Enjoy!
T Phillips wrote:We did what Ty and Don outlined when we built a 6' fence in Westcliffe, CO. Because this was to enclose a 1 acre site and because we are not spring chickens, we paid a crew with a small machine to auger the post holes 8" in diameter and 4'- 5' deep. We then put 3/4" angular rock (gravel) in the bottom of the holes and placed the 10' tall, 4x4 cedar posts in them. We then added gravel and tamped 4-6" lifts of gravel into the holes, keeping the posts centered. The fence has held up beautifully for 10+ years. It was one helluva lot of work, but it was worth it.
Northeast Pennsylvania
….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
Northeast Pennsylvania
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