BRK #524
No tree planting today, and instead there was maintenance work today on vehicles, plus a little tree-felling in the gently-sprinking morning hours.
Old Taoist sages have said,
"A thousand mile journey begins with a single step." So I started felling trees to fill the
Gregorian Woodshed today with that in mind. I'm bringing a
Kindling Cracker up there tomorrow so I can split these logs proper, plus maybe my old friend the X-27 will join me as well.
Changed-out the snow tires on the RAV today.
Brought them out of storage and brushed-off most of the caked on dirt we neglected at the start of the winter. Most of the work was done down by the Classroom, in front of the
Berm Shed.
The fancy rims are back.
Next up was the
tractor. I have a love-hate relationship with these, personally speaking. Each tire's chain set weighs over 100 pounds, and I think it's a hassle to install them for a variety of reasons. At the same time, the tractor is a crucial piece of equipment, particularly when it comes to snow removal. Plus, based on my
experience this past winter of sliding the tractor and its naked tires into a ditch, it's clear the chains are useful pieces of equipment (that would have likely helped me greatly in preventing my mistake).
I changed them out in the parking lot, Arrakis. Things look good. The chains are shown here in their storage bags, in front of the tractor.
I didn't have time to finish removing chains from
Judy, our big red truck, today. It's a more involved process, as it's a "duallie" and I just couldn't finish it today.
On the front tires, there are these cool half-disc chain fasteners. Flipped one way, the chain slack is available to help you fit the chains round the tires.
Rotating the half-disc tightens the chains over the outer edge of the front tires, and cannot be easily rotated back. The tension holds the half-disc in place, which I think is clever engineering.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!