BRK #483
I had a wrestling match with today. But I think I came out of it the winner.
We've been in "snow prep mode" today. And a decent amount came down. In the early afternoon, there was a lull, and while up at the Lab we measured 5.5". More snow started in the late afternoon, just before I wrapped-up for the day.
In trying to do too many things, I smoked-up the Solarium. That wasn't my best move. But hey, at least the Slab-delier is now securely hung in the Classroom...! I was on the team that made that light fixture last year, and I think it still looks great. The fixture and wiring were a previous
Boot's pet project, and I made sure that when we hung it from the ceiling, it wouldn't fall off.
Riddle me this: what's more annoying than installing the 110lb tire chains on your
tractor, in the snow? Give up?
Sliding into a ditch with said tractor, in the snow.
Next time Stephen, just install the frickin' chains. Meanwhile, I recruited
Paul's help, and together with
Judy (our big truck), and one broken tow strap later, the tractor was once again safe n' sound.
While installing the tire chains, the sun actually came out for a good six, seven minutes.
Wrapped up my Boot day clearing snow from the driveway, footpaths, steps, and the roof of the yurt. Ate a lot of bread for dinner. That poly-dough is a very forgiving, very versatile recipe. It's so terrible that it disappears within 36 hours.
(here's the rosemary-garlic braided bread I made last night)
That's all for today, thank goodness. Thank you for reading, and enjoy your day...!