BRK #531
Today was the day I think the Spring took a turn for the "here to stay" side of things. I took snapshots of a few flowers today. Here's a daffodil in the back paddock at Basecamp.
This mullein at the
Pond over on the Lab is doing its job, sending down
deep roots to break up the compacted soil and dredge nutrients to the surface, so that less-swarthy plants can have a go at them. The tree stumps, I've noticed, are excellent hangouts for squirrels and especially chipmunks.
Here's one of the willows over by the Willow Bank.
Speaking of Willow Bank, I emptied the first two cans of Willow Candy over there today.
Over at the Lab, I worked on the dirt road that encircles Allerton Abbey. There's a gully forming in the middle of it, and I decided to remedy that with some basic
earthworks leveling and easing. Here's what things looked like at the start of the day.
Before my mid-morning break, here's what I'd done so far. My goal was to create a gutter of sorts off to one side, then slope the road gently towards it, filling in the intrusive gully at the center as I did so.
I came back in the afternoon and chipped away at this some more, including two sweeping sections that encourage
water to flow towards the new gutter. I'd like to stop here, then see how the water behaves with what I've done so far. I'll come back and fine-tune the system as I see where water collects.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!