BRK #499
Not a day off, but a day starting fires in rocket mass
heaters all across the Lab and Basecamp. As I type, there's one happening in the Solarium. Tomorrow, I play shuttle for one departing SEPPer and several incoming guests for the
Garden Master Course. Perhaps snagging a vegan donut or two is in order...
Meanwhile, I had my first use of the cast-iron cooktop stove at Cooper Cabin today. It burns nice and hot - but it's also curious to note that I think it uses more wood than the RMH in Cooper Cabin. It's an interesting setup: both units have their own exhaust, but they eventually intersect overhead and escape out a single chimney.
In-between firings, refuelings, and splitting more wood, I worked in a couple rounds of the solo version of
Blitzkrieg, a WWII-themed tabletop game I found at Goodwill for $4. I'd say
Finally: with the help of chef
Katt and her daughter
Becca, I think the dish-washing station has been improved by several orders of magnitude. I don't think this photo does it justice. The
lights and the backing of the dish station (I bet you'll
never guess what it really is!) are quite a nice addition.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!