BRK #458
Well, that was easy...! Followed
Fred's advice, took the broken axe to the
local Home Depot, and they replaced it with very little hassle. Didn't even need a receipt. Thanks, Fred & HD!!!
Splitting logs with that X27 was light and easy. At the close of the day, I kept saying to myself,
"Just one more, just one more, there's time enough for it!" Still a decent amount left over for Monday's work.
Also captured some
video footage today. Paul requested I document the performance of the
Rocket Mass Heater in the Red Cabin, so I started that in the afternoon. Here's a still from my introduction, featuring the Rocky Mountain Hirsute Dipshit.
I did a preliminary burn in there to warm things up, just as if we were preparing to have a guest stay in there overnight. In fact, I will be the guest this evening, and I'm heading down there after I finish this update. I'll record the temperatures before I bed down for the night, then again at 6am tomorrow when I start the day.
Here are a couple other stills, mostly just "B-roll" to mix things up.
Record of today's temperatures, which I'll be able to elaborate on more tomorrow. I had two thermometers on-site, in different corners - and heights - of the Red Cabin. I tended the fire for 1 hour.
THERMOMETER 1 (back corner, at about the same level as the bunk)
Start: 36 degrees F
Finish: 58 degrees F
THERMOMETER 2 (next to door, on an upper shelf)
Start: 38 degrees F
Finish: 81 degrees F (...what?!?!?)
By the time I returned to the Red Cabin in the evening, 7pm-ish, temperatures had equalized to about 58 degrees on both thermometers. We'll see what kind of changes happened overnight. It's all collected in video footage as well, so that will provide more explanation (and likely will be released as part of a future update from Paul)
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!