Cargo bikes are cool
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BBV price: 1
Note: After considerable staff discussion, we like the ingenuity & the proof of concept. We're less thrilled about the use of galvanized metal. That can release toxic fumes when heated. We think it would take a seasoned pro about 5 minutes to make this. The minimum time for PEP oddballs is 7 minutes so we must reject this attempt. Since you don't have the tools for cinder blocks maybe try again with fire bricks?
After considerable staff discussion, we like the ingenuity & the proof of concept. We're less thrilled about the use of galvanized metal. That can release toxic fumes when heated. We think it would take a seasoned pro about 5 minutes to make this. The minimum time for PEP oddballs is 7 minutes so we must reject this attempt. Since you don't have the tools for cinder blocks maybe try again with fire bricks?
Cargo bikes are cool
Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
Luke Mitchell wrote:I feel it is a bit unfair to mark a jack-of-all trades Permie, such as Edward, against a seasoned pro for their oddball submissions. Whilst I agree that galvanized metal is not a good choice for this, I do think a redesigned version using steel or even aluminium sheet (which would be a kind of big brother to the beer can hobo stove - see here) would be worth reconsidering. Just my 0.02
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
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Cargo bikes are cool
Cargo bikes are cool
Someone approved this submission.
Note: Certified for 2 oddball points
wayne fajkus wrote:Bottle feeding a newborn lamb. When we found her, she was on the other side of the fence and very cold. Momma won't feed her. Duties are split between my wife and I. We keep her in the house overnight to make feeding easier. This will last 4 to 6 weeks(?) until she can eat on her own.
life is fun! when you make things fun¬
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
Cargo bikes are cool
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