Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
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Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
Love is the only resource that grows the more you use it.
David Brower
Love is the only resource that grows the more you use it.
David Brower
Permaculture...picking the lock back to Eden since 1978.
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Greg Martin wrote:Would this work? I'm picturing a drying closet positioned on the south or south west side of your house (for those in the northern hemisphere) where you open a sealed exterior door to a closet filled with a clothes rack on wheels that you can pull into your room (or put the racks on slides). This closet would be hooked up to a solar dehydrator type panel system that would draw hot air down through the closet and then back up through the solar chimney (all passive style). If you have clothes to dry you use it that way, if you have food to dry then you use it for would be a multitasker water removal closet :)
Thinking a bit more about it, perhaps you could install pipes so that the closet could be anywhere in the house and only the intake and output panels would have to be on the south side?
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That will deter three of them.paul wheaton wrote:pulley. the pulley was invented to move the drying rack closer to the ceiling.
Jill of all and Misses of Targets -JMH
hobbssamuelj Hatfield wrote:
ian curtis of joy division hung himself from just such a pot rack. seems to be sturdy enough to suspend a grown man, so it would likely take care of a couple wash loads.
Being weird is easy. Making it mainstream is hard. Be brave!
Rebekah Harmon wrote:Ok, I gotta add something here for the *massive* family. I have 5 kids; laundry day is dreaded. 😶 I am successfully drying clothes outside for now (summer) and I can get about all 7 loads dry in one day. What will I do in the winter? Seriously, a tiny wood rack will not cut it!
Also, my towels are stiff and pokey. 😏 and I already use 1/2 c. Of vinegar in the washer. Any other advice on softening?
Also, for a more permanent outside line, where can I buy the big t-posts?
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
tel jetson wrote: I imagine a good strong spin cycle can get as much moisture out as a wringer and without risking fingers, but as long as we're saving electricity...
paul wheaton wrote:We've talked in other threads here about how possibly the very best way for a household to save energy is to reduce or eliminate the use of the clothes dryer. ...
Shine On
Robert Marsh wrote:... two nice LARGE (easy turning) pulleys with loop of clothesline; ... cloths are way up high off the ground... trick is to have a few clothesline spreaders that you clip on (2 little pulleys in a frame, with a slot on one side) so you can use the strength of BOTH lines - 150' out is a long way, ....
Shine On
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