My book arts:
Ellendra Nauriel wrote:Just from observation, I think women are more hesitant to advertise that they live alone. Off-grid women even more so. It makes them too much of a target.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Sandy Ann wrote:So when you mention visitors are you referring to volunteers...?
Sandy Ann wrote:Hi
I've been following and watching many off Grid stories but I noticed it seems to attract mainly men. Are there any girls out there doing off grid alone?
I'd love to hear from you
Living a life that requires no vacation.
Judith Browning wrote:
Years ago, for only a few months in my early twenties I lived alone in a tent and then a one room off grid cabin and when word got around that there was a single young woman in the woods I had visitors. Nothing I couldn't handle and I suppose some even had good intentions but all quite annoying because of the supposition that as a woman alone I needed their 'help'.
Ellendra Nauriel wrote:
Judith Browning wrote:
Years ago, for only a few months in my early twenties I lived alone in a tent and then a one room off grid cabin and when word got around that there was a single young woman in the woods I had visitors. Nothing I couldn't handle and I suppose some even had good intentions but all quite annoying because of the supposition that as a woman alone I needed their 'help'.
There are certain pieces of equipment that I think of as enough of a unique entity, that I actually give them names. Like the modular scaffolding (which, to be honest, I'm still collecting parts for) that can be assembled into all kinds of configurations. It's name is Steve.
I wonder if saying the name out loud might help get people to back off? "Thanks for the offer, but no. Steve and I can handle it ourselves."
(I must be tired. My brain is stuck in Silliness mode.)
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Sandy Ann wrote:Hi
I've been following and watching many off Grid stories but I noticed it seems to attract mainly men. Are there any girls out there doing off grid alone?
I'd love to hear from you
Ellendra Nauriel wrote:
There are certain pieces of equipment that I think of as enough of a unique entity, that I actually give them names. Like the modular scaffolding (which, to be honest, I'm still collecting parts for) that can be assembled into all kinds of configurations. It's name is Steve.
I wonder if saying the name out loud might help get people to back off? "Thanks for the offer, but no. Steve and I can handle it ourselves."
(I must be tired. My brain is stuck in Silliness mode.)
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit: Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. “ Brian Gerald O’Driscoll
Sarah Elizabeth wrote:
Ellendra Nauriel wrote:
There are certain pieces of equipment that I think of as enough of a unique entity, that I actually give them names. Like the modular scaffolding (which, to be honest, I'm still collecting parts for) that can be assembled into all kinds of configurations. It's name is Steve.
I wonder if saying the name out loud might help get people to back off? "Thanks for the offer, but no. Steve and I can handle it ourselves."
(I must be tired. My brain is stuck in Silliness mode.)
A similar suggestion I saw on another site is to get a big pair of secondhand men's boots and stick them outside the backdoor.
You can see with only one eye open, but you'll probably run into things and stub your toe. The big picture matters.
If someone ever makes the Avengers of gardeners, my goal is to make that team!
Family farm community, 150 acres, 30 plus years here in Cherry Plain, NY, growing many gardens with plants, bees, horses, goats, llamas, dogs, cats...
Living a life that requires no vacation.
Aimee Hall wrote:I love strong women. I work in the tech industry, and specialize in the automotive industry when it comes to writing/marketing. As a web developer, I cannot tell you just how often I get told "Hey, honey I need to speak to the MAN in charge." and I always make sure to tell them, "That's me." Some will even get pushy about it, "No, I mean the man who does all that internet programming stuff for our website." and I just always calmly reply "That's me." In my industries, there really aren't women much so every day is a fight showing that I cannot only do things as well as others, but better. I know it can get annoying, but I look at it as a challenge and an opportunity to show that I can be the best in my chosen fields. Reading about you girls stories sure makes me proud.
People are amazing, as individuals, so often any of us can accomplish our goals no matter how dire the challenges and problems we face. And you guys are proving that. So please stay strong and keep up the most excellent work. =) Know that all my positive thoughts are behind you, though to be fair all my positive thoughts are behind all the good people out there. As we fight to overcome the bad, through educating the uneducated, and writing the wrongs others have done in the past to restore the Earth. So much love to you all.
I have not qualified as living off grid, so sorry if my post is unwelcome. I have a huge computer, and it pays my bills. I also am very (way too much so) fond of my kitchen gadgets like my instant pot, meat grinder/sausage stuffer, kitchen aid.... and my video games. If I didn't have video games to help me chill out, I would have died of stress long ago working 80+ hours a week and having a 10 acre farm all of my own.
I did however live by myself for years, and raised all of my own food (And the food for 5 families, including cooking oil!) except some occasional treats like a pineapple or pistachios that I just couldn't find room or justify heating a greenhouse to grow them in. I did run a large aquaponic system off solar, and had plans to take my farm off grid but I haven't gotten that far. I actually got a bit derailed teaching sustainability, permaculture, aquaponics, etc to others on the other side of the world.
I did have people show up, a few times it was even a bit intimidating. I am a big girl at 6' but I am no fighter, so it was a bit scary on two occasions but I sure didn't let it stop me from living on my own, and wrestling cows/pigs much bigger than myself when necessary. lol!
If someone ever makes the Avengers of gardeners, my goal is to make that team!
You Speak a Word. It is received by the other. But has it been received as it was Spoken?
Purity Lopez wrote:I am 75 now and have lived in extremely rural areas since I was 19. I have always lived alone. I have lived in wilderness in a tent, and now live in a cabin I built myself in the High Desert of California. I have never had help, everything I have always done myself....and I am 5'4", 120 pounds. I still do everything myself. I have electricity and solar. I can live entirely without it if I needed to...I use electricity as the back up source. I grow a good deal of my own food.
Anyone who needs to talk to someone who is doing this.....feel more than free to contact me. This life is an example, this whole situation in the U.S. now, has left me completely untouched. Completely. Would you like this to be your life too? It can be.
You Speak a Word. It is received by the other. But has it been received as it was Spoken?
You Speak a Word. It is received by the other. But has it been received as it was Spoken?
If someone ever makes the Avengers of gardeners, my goal is to make that team!
You Speak a Word. It is received by the other. But has it been received as it was Spoken?
Purity Lopez wrote:After I made my first comment in this thread, I've been thinking about the underlying consciousness some have expressed....being afraid. First I would like to say....NO ONE is smarter or stronger than you. No one. You have an innate ability to know anything and do anything. I was surprised that in this day and age there is still the thinking that men are better at taking care of themselves, or that magically men never have to contend with violence directed at them while living off grid. It isn't so much about size....either of your body, your gender, or the size of your gun. It is about attitude.
I don't think that anyone, man or woman, who is fear based, will be successful in living in this kind of situation. The consciousness has to be changed first. Let me give an example. The biggest, strongest man in the world is still, if he has any common sense, going to be quite hesitant about picking up a mad spitting, hissing cat. So here we see it isn't about size at all, or gender......its about attitude. There was a study conducted decades ago into why some women get raped and some do not. It was a pretty exhaustive study. The conclusion was that women who get raped do not carry themselves confidently.....they tend to have a fearful attitude and that attitude it picked up by by the predator. It works just like this in Nature. The predator is looking for the weak one in the herd, whether that be physically or emotionally.
On the other hand......who is the real leader in a pride of lions? The lioness is, even though the male is twice her size. She is the one who does the bulk of the hunting, she is the one who raises the cubs. Do you see?
As I mentioned, I am a small woman. I will transfer a spider from my house to a napkin to the garden....I am not aggressive by nature. But everyone who knows me or has even just briefly talked to me in a store picks up that I am not to be messed with. I look people in the eye when I talk to them, I am firm in my speech and handshake, and my voice carries one of confidence in myself. I carry my body upright, shoulders back, I walk confidently. I do not scurry or hurry, I am deliberate in my movements. I talk slowly, with purpose.
I have been in several situations in my life where I was severely threatened by a much larger man. I became the mad cat. For the most part, men don't want to mess with a woman who means business. You have to cultivate the attitude that you are equal to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Was David afraid of the giant? No. In this day and age, a woman should know how to take care of herself. Whether it means carrying a stun gun, a hand gun, or being proficient in Aikido. But the trick is not to think that these are the things protecting you. They are just tools. You are the handler of the tools.....whether it be the gun, or your voice when you say "you do not want to mess with me". A man I knew once tried to kill me with a large piece of wood - we were cutting firewood. I had none of these tools in hand. But I decimated him with my voice, I showed contempt, I assured him he was not going to find it easy to kill me. I kept at it, then I could see, like so many who try to hurt us, they are nothing but bullies and if you show them you are not going down easy, they began to re-think their goal. He all of a sudden wasn't so sure of himself. He put down the log and walked away.
It is alright to be afraid. I was afraid when I lost my paddle on a Class 4 river. But we can't let fear immobilize us or keep us from realizing our dreams. Fear can motivate us beyond our comfort zone....and in doing so, we learn a new skill, or we learn that we trust ourselves and can handle anything that crops up.
First cultivate these character traits. You want to get to a place where you just naturally think that someone would be pretty stupid to mess with you. And after a while, it won't even occur to you that someone would try.....whether it be man or bear.....if it comes, you will be ready. And you aren't thinking about being safe, or not being are just living life. Then think about moving from the city to this kind of life. Otherwise fear is going to be with you in every form.....can I build this....does that snake frighten me.....The chickens are being attacked by wild dogs.....I am trapped on the roof because I was stupid and didn't fasten the ladder to the eve, and the wind is blowing 60mph, my phone is in the house and there are no near neighbors.....fear can come in many forms living out here.
I once cracked open my skull when the trailer hitch bucked......these are the things that will test you more than being afraid someone might hurt you.
You Speak a Word. It is received by the other. But has it been received as it was Spoken?
Mari Henry wrote:
Purity Lopez wrote:After I made my first comment in this thread, ...
I once cracked open my skull when the trailer hitch bucked......these are the things that will test you more than being afraid someone might hurt you.
I like a lot of what you were saying, but had to stop reading after what you said about rape. Rape is the fault of rapists, not the victims. No one deserves to be raped or causes it to happen. The rapist causes it. Not the victims.
You Speak a Word. It is received by the other. But has it been received as it was Spoken?
Sarah Koster wrote:Hah, love the secondhand boots idea. I actually want to live off grid on my own, but don't have the resources or motivation necessary to pull it off at the moment. One of the biggest reasons I fantasize about becoming a hermit is because of being a victim of gender based violence.... so of course I would not want to advertise the fact that I'm female and all by my lonesome without a way to call the cops and have them arrive in a timely manner. I think most women who aren't autistic or traumatized enjoy the company of other humans.(EDIT: I also know that many women who are in fact traumatized or do have autism also enjoy living with fellow humans.) I also believe many women prefer watching a man split wood to splitting wood themselves. Not because it's hard work, but because it's just fun to watch. I got a chance to spend a couple days alone this weekend.... it really helped me realize how stressful it is for me to constantly hear other peoples' noises, and to have to focus my attention on them whenever they talk to me.
But why do you have six abraham lincolns? Is this tiny ad a clone too?
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