Owner, Etta Place Cider
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Order copies of my book, Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way at
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struggle - hustle - soul - desire
“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
― Voltaire
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
How Permies.com Works
Be Nice
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
How permies.com works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
R Scott wrote:Convert our livestock to intensive grazing and hay-less.
Create and plant the first swale in our pasture.
Dig 3 new ponds for livestock and water management.
Finish my keyline plow to include a coulter, roller, and compost tea applicator.
Build a new composting setup and tea brewer.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Charles Tarnard wrote:I didn't see this thread when it was made, somehow, but I like it.
1. Turn half of my front yard grass into food plantings.
2. Build French drain through my yard.
3. Turn my rain barrel system into a multi tiered gutter drainage system that feeds: planter box at 5 feet, rain barrel, planter box at one foot, then into the French drain. Planter boxes are to grow things that scare me (like blackberries).
4. Build a fence in preparation for some sort of fowl.
5. Dig a pond also fed by my roof runoff.
I'll be feeling pretty good if I get 3 of those done.
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Chris Badgett
Cocreator of Organic Life Guru. Have you seen what's happening over there?
Burra Maluca wrote:Find a way of enticing the menopause fairy to visit and then hold her hostage for as long as necessary.
Convert the olive grove to a food forest.
Send my son across the pond to visit The Land.
Get the grid-feed solar panels up so I get a bit of regular income.
Finish writing my book.
How permies.com works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Burra Maluca wrote:
Base is ready for the solar panels, and payment is waiting to go through. Should be all done in a couple more weeks, but this is Portugal so there are bound to be delays...
Menopause fairy is proving elusive. Suggestions welcome.
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Zone 5/6
Annual rainfall: 40 inches / 1016 mm
Kansas City area discussion going on here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1707573296152799/
Mike Sved wrote:1-take ownership of our new land
2-clear access road/trail into the land
3-set up camper there
4-wake up there, brew coffee and then....
5-ponder the 26 acres of possibilities
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
If not now, when?
After almost 2 decades of looking into the eyes of beast, this Army guy is ready to beat [my] swords into plowshares and [my] spears into pruning hooks.
Brandon Halsey wrote:1. Get 2 beehives established.
2. Complete first terrace.
3. Begin rotational grazing of my 7 new cows.
4. Start milking my 2 new dairy cows.
5. Begin turning forested areas into a food forest.
Matu Collins wrote:I love those old to-do lists too.
Of the top of my head:
1. Do at least four book reviews on permies
2. Fix up the barn so we can host wwoofers year round. Perhaps wwoofers can do this...
3. Throw a Festival of Potential in the spring where we swap seeds and make biochar
4. Throw a Festival of Abundance in the fall where we press cider with the hand press and have a Free Store
5. Keep the chickens safe from predators. At least most of them.
Boy, I could keep going with this list...
Craig Dobbelyu wrote:I keep a notebook with projects and it's always being added to. Here's five good ones I've got on the horizon.
1. Expand my rabbit production
2. Dig a few new ponds
3. Build a respectable outdoor kitchen
4. Build a smoke house for the six pigs I have reserved for spring 2014
5. Add a few hundred more feet of swales and hugels
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
How Permies.com Works
Be Nice
Zone 5/6
Annual rainfall: 40 inches / 1016 mm
Kansas City area discussion going on here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1707573296152799/
Matu Collins wrote:I love those old to-do lists too.
Of the top of my head:
1. Do at least four book reviews on permies
2. Fix up the barn so we can host wwoofers year round. Perhaps wwoofers can do this...
3. Throw a Festival of Potential in the spring where we swap seeds and make biochar
4. Throw a Festival of Abundance in the fall where we press cider with the hand press and have a Free Store
5. Keep the chickens safe from predators. At least most of them.
Boy, I could keep going with this list...
life is short - but not as short as this ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies