Living a life that requires no vacation.
paul wheaton wrote:Just a heads up ... the staff are watching this thread carefully. If any of 40 different (untrained volunteer) staff find any post on here violates our publishing standards (by the iterpretation of even one staff member), the post will be removed. And it is possible that apple cores will be doled out for good or errant (depending on your views) reasons.
I think this is a good time to remind people to state your position and not "the truth."
We have staff on both sides of the fence on this issue - and most of the staff are choosing to not post here because they have been down the road of controversy in the cider press before.
Tyler Ludens wrote:Disclosure: I have superstitious fear of the Flu Vaccine, so I have avoided getting it for years. Because I used to rarely go around other people, I thought I could get away with it. Now I am beginning to believe I should get the Flu Vaccine to do my part for herd immunity since I spend each weekend in the city.
Austin Shackles : email anshackles"at"
My husband has Crohn's, and has had flare-ups from vaccinations. There's data showing that autoimmune diseases can be set off by a multitude of things, from antibiotics to poor food choices, to extreme stress and even vaccines (study on auto immune diseases and vaccines "Although the vaccines are generally safe, with a low incidence of serious systemic adverse events, numerous reports highlighted the occurrence of neurological (Guillain Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, autism), articular (arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), and autoimmune untoward effects (systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus) after single or combined multivaccine procedures")
My children both show signs of IBS, with loose stools, undigested food, gut pain when they eat the wrong food, horribly stinky farts...pretty much everything that my husband had before he developed Crohn's. I think we can all agree that Crohn's is horrible stuff. People lose large sections of their digestive systems, are malnourished, in extreme pain, and some even die. Is it worse that chicken pox or mumps? Probably. Is it worse than polio or small pox or tetanus? Probably not. But, my children do not have Crohn's yet, and so do not qualify for a medical exemption, so I have to weigh the risks and benefits and figure out how to keep my kids at the lowest risk of developing debilitating/life-threatening diseases like Crohn's, polio, tetanus, etc. Is the risk of my kids getting Hepatitis B fresh out of the womb higher or lower than them developing complications from that vaccine?
At enrollment, the women underwent a gynecologic examination that included the collection of cervical samples for thin-layer Papanicolaou testing (ThinPrep, Cytyc) and cervical swabs, external genital swabs, and cervicovaginal-lavage specimens for HPV-16 DNA testing. Serum was obtained for the measurement of HPV-16 antibody. Follow-up visits were scheduled one month after the third vaccination (month 7), six months after the third vaccination (month 12), and every six months thereafter until month 48. During these visits, specimens were collected for Papanicolaou tests, HPV-16 DNA testing, and measurement of HPV-16 antibodies. The results of HPV-16 tests were not used for clinical care.
The chickenpox vaccine is not part of the routine UK childhood vaccination programme because chickenpox is usually a mild illness in children.
There's also a worry that introducing chickenpox vaccination for all children could increase the risk of chickenpox and shingles in adults.
This logic is faulty however; you might as well say that eating bread causes car crashes, since most drivers who crash their cars could probably be shown to have eaten bread within the past 24 hours.
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Living a life that requires no vacation.
Mart Hale wrote:What I don't like about the vaccine issue is that there are no debates.....
I would love to see both sides of the issue in public debate on TV.
The line was crossed for me when they removed the exemption for taking vaccines in NY, and now being pushed in CA.
I believe people should have the right to choose the medical care they are given them, when you take that right away you are no longer function as a care giver but as their God, you take this vaccine regardless of what you believe, and regardless of your research.
Just like I can choose strawberries or choose apples, I should have the right to choose what medical care I get, I do not trust government to make that choice for me.
The problems I see with vaccines as they sit.
1) You cannot sue the vaccine manufactures for damage the vaccines cause. Instead it goes to a special court and our tax dollars pay for the damages. How is this justice???
2) The vaccines today are not tested before they are deployed we are the test subjects.
3) Injecting me with mercury and baby / animal body parts does not set right with me.
4) Those who ask questions are vilified for asking questions.
5) The CDC has hidden reports from the permies. This does not bode well for my trust of them.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Stacy Witscher wrote:My understanding is that vaccination requirements are for attending public school in the US. One does not have to attend public school, that is a choice. Many attend private schools or homeschool.
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
Mart Hale wrote:
So at least in NY they are removing the option to be in public unless you take the vaccine.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Mart Hale wrote:
Stacy Witscher wrote:My understanding is that vaccination requirements are for attending public school in the US. One does not have to attend public school, that is a choice. Many attend private schools or homeschool.
In NY they have expanded this to include public places.
So at least in NY they are removing the option to be in public unless you take the vaccine.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Nicole Alderman wrote:I thought I would talk a bit about the HPV vaccine. I've heard things about it not preventing all forms of cervical cancer. I never did actually find studies for that.
'Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.'
stephen lowe wrote:
the most interesting thing about the graph to me is that you have a 90+% drop in polio deaths BEFORE the vaccine. So why is it that the vaccine is credited with erradicating the disease? What factors contributed to the precipitous decline in the danger from the disease prior to the vaccine and shouldn't we be looking at for a holistic solution rather than a chemical silver bullet?
'Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.'
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog :
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog :
stephen lowe wrote:
the most interesting thing about the graph to me is that you have a 90+% drop in polio deaths BEFORE the vaccine. So why is it that the vaccine is credited with erradicating the disease? What factors contributed to the precipitous decline in the danger from the disease prior to the vaccine and shouldn't we be looking at for a holistic solution rather than a chemical silver bullet?
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Nick Kitchener wrote:Something that hasn't bee brought up and probably should is vaccine safety and the immune system. Vaccine safety trials are always performed on healthy adults because of medical ethics laws.
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